java - 递归方法查找矩阵中的路径数

标签 java recursion path


   private static int numParths(int [][] mat, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
        if(x1<0  ||  x1 >mat.length-1 || y1<0  ||  y1>mat.length-1)
          return 0;

        if(x1 == x2 && y1 == y2){
          return 1;

          return 0;

          return numParths(mat, x1, y1+1, x2, y2) + numParths(mat, x1-1, y1, x2, y2) + numParths(mat, x1+1, y1, x2, y2) + numParths(mat, x1, y1-1, x2, y2);

    public static void main (String[]args){
        int [][] mat={{1,2,3,4},{1,2,3,4},{1,2,3,4},{1,2,3,4}};
        System.out.println(numParths(mat, 0,1,2,3));


这类问题可以使用递归和一些“看起来很干净”的代码来解决。但是,最好先在一般递归之上构建一个解决方案,然后看看是否可以使用动态编程来提高效率。 关于这个特定问题,我们可以通过将其存储在变量中来重新使用已经计算出的信息(从引用点到目标点的路径数)。另一个具有相似维度的矩阵在这里对我们有好处(因为我们可能不想更改输入矩阵)。


  1. 普通递归方法(在效率方面不推荐)

    //Call to a recursive method numPathsRecursive. There is no need of passing matrix array, just source and destination points are sufficient.
    int numPaths(int[][] matrix, int x, int y, int X, int Y){
       return numPathsRecursive(x,y,X,Y); 
    int numPathsRecursive(int x, int y, int X, int Y){// x and y are Source co ordinates; X and Y are destination co ordinates
        if (x==X && y==Y){
            return 1;
        else if (x>X || y>Y){//Boundary Conditions possible (Right part of Matrix & Bottom part of Matrix)
            return 0;
       return numPathsRecursive(x+1,y,X,Y) + numPathsRecursive(x,y+1,X,Y);
  2. 基于动态编程的方法(我们基本上建立在上述递归方法之上)

    int numPaths(int[][] matrix, int x, int y, int X, int Y){
       int countMatrixRows = X-x+1;
       int countMatrixColumns = Y-y+1;
       int[][] countMatrix = new int[countMatrixRows][countMatrixColumns];// initialising count matrix which stores number of paths from each point to the end point of the count Matrix (i.e., destination of original matrix)
        for (int i=0;i<countMatrixRows;i++){//Initialisation of countMatrix with -1s
            for (int j=0;j<countMatrixColumns;j++){
        countMatrix[countMatrixRows-1][countMatrixColumns-1]=1; //Setting destination cell value as 1. (indicating there's one path to itself)
        return numPathsDP(countMatrix,0,0,countMatrixRows-1,countMatrixColumns-1); //Call to numPathsDP. Now the original problem boils down to finding path from 0,0 of countMatrix to countMatrixRows-1,countMatrixColumns-1
    int numPathsDP(int[][] countMatrix, int x, int y, int X, int Y){
        if (x>X || y>Y){
            return 0;
        if (countMatrix[x][y]==-1){
            countMatrix[x][y]=numPathsDP(countMatrix,x+1,y,X,Y)+numPathsDP(countMatrix,x,y+1,X,Y); //It's indeed a recursive function but we are storing the result value in the same 2d array
        return countMatrix[x][y]; // It will return 1 when destination cell is reached the first time. The same returned value will be used to add up when called from other cells (See above line)


  1. 你只允许在你的右边和底部遍历,如果有其他可能的路径,你只需要在索引上调用适当的操作方法即可。例如,如果也允许对角线,则需要添加额外的方法调用




在 DP 解决方案中。

  1. 目标单元格可从源单元格到达,并且源单元格和目标单元格都包含在原始矩阵中(基于矩阵的维度)

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