java - JVM 对 `final` 的处理

标签 java jvm final

对此的评论question ,我声称在某些情况下 JVM 必须遵守 finalsafe publication已经询问过 final 变量,handling of static final members 也是如此。 。但是强制类和方法为 Final 并禁止覆盖 Final 字段又如何呢?恕我直言,这可以而且必须在类加载时完成。


  • 对于 JVM 的安全性至关重要,例如Stringfinal,因此不得加载扩展它的手工制作的类。
  • 对于 public final 字段也是如此。虽然反射可以更改它们,但它会在运行时进行检查。因此,重新分配最终字段的字节码在加载时也必须被拒绝。




对于标记为 final 的类,参见The Java Virtual Machine Specification: Java SE 8 Edition, §4.10 "Verification of class Files" ,其中部分内容为:

[…] the Java Virtual Machine needs to verify for itself that the desired constraints are satisfied by the class files it attempts to incorporate. A Java Virtual Machine implementation verifies that each class file satisfies the necessary constraints at linking time (§5.4).


[…] there are three additional checks outside the Code attribute which must be performed during verification:

  • Ensuring that final classes are not subclassed.
  • […]

(请参阅此处了解更多详细信息,包括当 class 文件违反此约束时 JVM 应该执行的操作。)

对于标记为 final 的字段,参见ibid., §§6.5–6 " putfield " and " putstatic " ,其中部分内容为 putfield :

Otherwise, if the field is final, it must be declared in the current class, and the instruction must occur in an instance initialization method (<init>) of the current class. Otherwise, an IllegalAccessError is thrown.

putstatic 同样如此,但使用“<clinit> 方法”而不是“实例初始化方法( <init> )。


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