java - 在 Datomic 中更新具有多个基数的属性的事务

标签 java datomic

我搜索了两天,没有看到任何与此相关的代码。这是我见过的唯一的 java 代码,但它并不完全是我想要的。

conn.transact(list(list("db.fn/cas", datomic_id, "attribute you want to update", old value, new value))).get();

我已经尝试使用旧值中的单个值和新值中的单个值来尝试此代码,但它只是堆叠信息而不是覆盖它。 示例:旧值是鸡,新值是鱼。交易后,它是[鸡,鱼],而不是我期望的只是[鱼],并且鸡将被移入文件(历史)。


我记得在某处读过,在幕后它只是链接到一个属性的一系列值。如果是这种情况,是否意味着我必须找到字符串的原子 id 并更改它?如果它不在新列表中,还必须将其删除吗?


仅供引用,这些是我目前用于此类任务的通用事务函数(从 Clojure 声明,但如果需要的话应该很容易适应 Java):

[{:db/ident :bsu.fns/replace-to-many-scalars,
  :db/doc "Given an entity's lookup ref, a to-many (scalar) attribute, and a list of new values,
 yields a transaction that replaces the old values by new ones"
  :db/id (d/tempid :db.part/user),
  :db/fn (d/function
           '{:lang :clojure,
             :imports [],
             :requires [[datomic.api :as d]],
             :params [db entid attr new-vals],
             :code (let [old-vals (if-let [e (d/entity db entid)] (get e attr) ())
                         to-remove (remove (set (seq new-vals)) old-vals)]
                       (for [ov to-remove] [:db/retract entid attr ov])
                       (for [nv new-vals] [:db/add entid attr nv]))
 {:db/ident :bsu.fns/to-many-retract-all-but,
  :db/doc "Given an entity lookup ref, a to-many (entity) attribute, and a list of lookup refs
  expands to a transaction which will retract all the [origin `to-many-attr` target] relationships but those for which target is among the `to-spare-lookup-refs`"
  :db/id (d/tempid :db.part/user),
  :db/fn (d/function
           '{:lang :clojure,
             :imports [],
             :requires [[datomic.api :as d]],
             :params [db origin to-many-attr to-spare-lookup-refs],
             :code (let [old-targets-ids (d/q '[:find [?t ...] :in $ ?to-many-attr ?origin :where [?origin ?to-many-attr ?t]]
                                           db to-many-attr origin)
                         to-spare-ids (for [lr to-spare-lookup-refs] (:db/id (d/entity db lr)))
                         to-delete (->> old-targets-ids (remove (set to-spare-ids)))]
                     (for [eid to-delete] [:db/retract origin to-many-attr eid])
                     #_[old-targets-ids to-update-ids to-delete])}),

我根本不声称它们具有最佳性能或设计,但到目前为止它们对我来说很有效。 HTH。

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