java - 在 Spring Boot 服务上运行有限数量的线程

标签 java spring multithreading spring-mvc spring-boot

我目前正在使用 spring boot 开发一个 web 应用程序,但我在服务层遇到了问题。


public class DocumentService{

    private synchronized void doReplacement(){
       //should have limited no of multi threads (eg. 3)

    private void normalMethod(){
       //no restrictions




使用某种请求限制(即每秒请求数)可能比使用可以同时执行方法的线程数更好。例如使用 Guava's RateLimiter直接,或者事件 adding declarative support for with Spring's AOP .

如果您仍然想使用线程,我的建议是使用 ExecutorService:

public class DocumentService {

    private final ExecutorService executor;

    public DocumentService(
        @Value("${}") int maxConcurrentThreads) {
        // will allow only the given number of threads
        executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(maxConcurrentThreads);

    private void doReplacementWithLimitedConcurrency(String s, int i){
        Future<?> future = executor.submit(() -> doReplacement(s, i));
        future.get(); // will block until a thread picks up the task
                      // and finishes executing doReplacement

    private void doReplacement(String s, int i){

    // other methods

    public void performThreadPoolCleanup() throws Exception {
        executor.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); 

关于java - 在 Spring Boot 服务上运行有限数量的线程,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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