ios - Storyboard编辑器中的 "First Responder"和 "Exit"框的用途是什么?

标签 ios objective-c xcode cocoa responder-chain

在 XCode IDE 中,在 MainStoryboard 编辑器中 View Controller 的底部,有两个框:First Responder 和 Exit。

我知道代码中的 firstResponder 是什么,但在 Storyboard编辑器中,我似乎无法用它做任何有用的事情。

我能否使用该区域的第一响应者以某种方式设置 View 的第一响应者?我希望第一个文本字段在加载时处于事件状态,但我已尝试右键单击并拖动但无济于事。我知道我可以在 viewDidLoad 方法中以编程方式设置它,但是这里有什么方法可以做到吗?


First Responder (orange) and Exit (Green) - what are they for?



来自 here :

Note: You probably won’t be using the First Responder very much. This is a proxy object that refers to whatever object has first responder status at any given time. It was also present in your nibs and you probably never had a need to use it then either. As an example, you can hook up the Touch Up Inside event from a button to First Responder’s cut: selector. If at some point a text field has input focus then you can press that button to make the text field, which is now the first responder, cut its text to the pasteboard.


1) 如果您使用带有键盘通知的文本字段,则 First Responder 非常有用。我用它来使键盘消失,为您的类(class)的变量 currentFirstResponder 创建一个导出,并在 viewWillDisappear 中:

[self.currentFirstResponder resignFirstResponder];

2) 您可以阅读有关 unwind segues(“退出”框)的信息 here

关于ios - Storyboard编辑器中的 "First Responder"和 "Exit"框的用途是什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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