java - 使用 A* 查找最短路径

标签 java shortest-path dijkstra a-star

我正在制作一个游戏,其中一个棋子必须被护送到节点 F。存储在 2D 数组中的值表示:

Pawn (starting point): I    
Destination: F


Node [row=2, col=1]
Node [row=2, col=2]
Node [row=1, col=2]
Node [row=0, col=2]
Node [row=0, col=3]
Node [row=0, col=4]
Node [row=1, col=4]
Node [row=2, col=4]
Node [row=2, col=5]

Search Path without diagonals
     0   1   2   3   4   5   6
0    -   -   *   *   *   -   -
1    -   -   *   B   *   -   -
2    -   I*  *   B   *  *F   -
3    -   -   -   B   -   -   -
4    -   -   -   -   -   -   -
5    -   -   -   -   -   -   -

我的实现的问题是它一步一步地进行。我希望能够检测到方向何时发生变化并仅添加此 Action ,我该如何实现这一点?例如,我不想像之前的示例那样一一访问所有节点,而是希望:

Node [row=2, col=1] 
Node [row=2, col=2] // Right

Node [row=0, col=2] // Top

Node [row=0, col=4] // Right

Node [row=2, col=4] // Bottom
Node [row=2, col=5] // Right



我没有检查算法实现,但看起来您正在以 Node 对象列表的形式获取结果。它可能看起来像这样:

List<Node> path = aStar.findPath();


List<Node> path = aStar.findPath();
//a path with intermediate nodes removed
List<Node> filteredPath = new ArrayList<>(path.size());
for(int i=0; i<path.size(); i++) {
    Node current = path.get(i);
    //the first and the last element get into the result in any case
    if(i==0 || i==path.size()-1) {
    } else {
          //for the elements in between we are detecting the direction change
          Node previous = path.get(i-1);
          Node next = path.get(i+1);
          //is the step from the previous node to this one vertical
          boolean isPreviousStepVertical = current.getCol()==previous.getCol();
          //is the step from this node to the next one vertical
          boolean isNextStepVertical = current.getCol()==next.getCol();
          //we only add the nodes for which the direction has changed
          if(isPreviousStepVertical!=isNextStepVertical) {



我假设棋子不能沿对角线移动,也不能移回到已经访问过的单元格。否则,您需要计算节点之间的实际方向 vector 并将它们与每个节点进行比较。

更新:为了使 AStar 实现按预期工作,您需要注释掉与 addAdjacentUpperRowaddAdjacentLowerRow 中对角线移动相对应的四行,例如:

checkNode(currentNode, col - 1, upperRow, getDiagonalCost()); // Comment this if diagonal movements are not allowed


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