Java - 抽象类到普通类

标签 java class abstract

public abstract class Figure
  private int offset;

  public Figure()
    offset = 0;

  public Figure(int theOffset)
    offset = theOffset;

  public void setOffset(int newOffset)
    offset = newOffset;

  public int getOffset()
    return offset;

  public abstract void drawHere();

   * Draws the figure at lineNumber lines down from the
   * current line.

  public void drawAt(int lineNumber)
    int count;
    for(count = 0; count < lineNumber; count++)


这个类由其他 2 个类扩展,然后它有主类。我是否也必须检查并修改它们?


你不应该改变 Figure;你应该扩展它。

This class is extended upon by 2 other classes and then it has the main class. Do I have to go through and modify those too?

更有理由不更改 Figure:您将破坏其余代码。

你不应该修改任何东西。创建一个扩展 Figure 的新类,并用您想要的行为覆盖抽象的 drawHere() 方法。

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