java - 如何用Java实现子集和问题

标签 java knapsack-problem subset-sum

有人知道如何通过这个伪代码在 Java 中实现子集和问题吗?

w = an array of positive integers sorted in non-decreasing order.
W = the target sum value
include = an array or arraylist of the solutions who's weight adds up to W. After the print statement, this array can be deleted so that it can store the next solution.
weight = weight of elements in the include array.
total = weight of the remaining elements not in the include array.

public static void sum_of_subsets(index i, int weight, int total)
          if(weight == W)
               System.out.print(include[1] through include[i]);
               include[i + 1] = "yes";     //Include w[i + 1]
               sum_of)subsets(i + 1, weight + w[i + 1], total - w[i + 1]);
               include[i + 1] = "no";      //Do not include w[i + 1]
               sum_of_subsets(i + 1, weight, total - w[i + 1]);

public static boolean promising(index i);
     return (weight + total >= W) && (weight == W || weight + w[i + 1] <= W);




package com.test;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

 * @author ziya sayed
 * @email : <a href="" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="e695879f83829c8f9f87a6818b878f8ac885898b" rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow">[email protected]</a>
public class SumOfSubsets{

//  private static int[] numbers= {1,1,2,2,3,4};//set of numbers
    private static int[] numbers= {18,17,1};//set of numbers
//  private static final int SUM = 4;//desired sum
    private static final int SUM = 20;//desired sum

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        String binaryCount="";
        int[] nos=new int[numbers.length];
        //input set, and setting binary counter
        System.out.print("Input set numbers are : ");
        for (int no : numbers) {            
            if (no<=SUM) {
                System.out.print(no+" ");                                       
                binaryCount+=1; //can we use sring builder or string.format

        Arrays.sort(nos);//sort asc

        int totalNos = binaryCount.length();
        String subset="";   //chosen subset 
        int subsetSum=0;//to temp hold sum of chosen subset every iteration
        String nearestSubset="";//chosen closest subset if no exact subset
        int nearestSubsetSum=0;//to hold sum of chosen closest subset

        Set<String> rs = new HashSet<String>();//to hold result, it will also avoide duplicate pairs
        for (int i = Integer.parseInt(binaryCount, 2) ; i >0;i-- ) {//for all sum combinations
        //  System.out.println(i);
            binaryCount=String.format("%1$#" + totalNos + "s", Integer.toBinaryString(i)).replace(" ","0");//pad 0 to left if number is less than 6 digit binary for proper combinations


            for (int j=0 ;j<totalNos; j++) {//for active combinations sum

                if (binaryCount.charAt(j)=='1') {                   
                    subset+=nos[j]+" ";
            if (subsetSum == SUM) {
            //  System.out.println(subset);//we can exit here if we need only one set
            else{//use this for subset of numbers with nearest to desired sum
                if (subsetSum < SUM  && subsetSum > nearestSubsetSum && rs.isEmpty()) {
                    nearestSubsetSum = subsetSum;
                    nearestSubset = subset;



        if (rs.isEmpty()) {
                System.out.println("Nearest Subset of "+SUM);
            System.out.println("Exact Subset of "+SUM);
            System.out.println(rs);//unique sub sets to remove duplicate pairs



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