java - 如何在此程序中仅使用两个字符串?

标签 java string readline readlines


Write a program that does the following:

  • Enter your first name: Peter
  • Enter your last name: Opunga
  • Enter your birth year: 1992
  • Hi Peter Opunga, you will be 20 by the end of this year.
  • Bonus 1: Proper commenting. (10%)
  • Bonus 2: Create only 2 Strings in the entire program. (10%)
  • Bonus 3: Use exactly 4 System.out.print. (10%)

现在我对 Java 完全陌生。一个多星期前我才被介绍到它,这就是我的想法:


public class A1Chuah {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (;

        //Prints instructions for user to enter first name.
        System.out.println("Enter first name: ");
        //Obtains user input for first name.
        String first = in.readLine ();
        //Prints instructions for user to enter last name.
        System.out.print ("Enter last name: ");
        //Obtains user input for last name.
        String last = in.readLine();
        //Prints instructions for user to enter birth year.
        System.out.print ("Enter your birth year: ");
        //Obtains user input for birth year.
        String year = in.readLine ();
        //Converts String year to int useryr
        int useryr = Integer.parseInt(year);
        //Sets int oriyr to value of 2012
        int oriyr = 2012;
        //Sets int outyr as oriyr - useryr
        int outyr = oriyr - useryr;
        //Prints out information.
        System.out.println("Hi" + " " + " " + last + "," + " " + "you will be" +  " " + outyr + " " + "by the end of this year");

我已经成功完成了奖励 1 和 3,但似乎无法弄清楚奖励 2。请帮忙! 附:他说只要我不冒充自己的想法,我就能得到帮助。


您可以使用一个字符串来获取全名,并使用一个字符串来获取年份。 你可以这样做

    System.out.println("Enter first name: ");

    String name = in.readLine();

    System.out.print ("Enter last name: ");

    name+= " " + in.readLine();

    System.out.println(name); // should print first and last

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