java - 按列解析 HTML 表格

标签 java jsoup html-table

我正在尝试按列解析 HTML 表,并且我认为我的通用算法是正确的。但行跨度给我带来了麻烦。

Here is an example table.


Elements rows ="table.asio_basic > tbody > tr"); // get all tablerows
Elements dataCells = new Elements(); //Object to save all cells with data

for (int i = 0; i < rows.get(0).children().size(); i++) //iterate through the columns.
    for (int j = 0; j < rows.size(); j++) //iterate through the rows
        Element cell = rows.get(j).child(i); //get the cell in row j, column i

        if (cell.hasAttr("rowspan"))
            j += Integer.parseInt(cell.attr("rowspan")); // add rowspan to counter to skip nonexistent cells




终于成功了。我添加了一个数组来跟踪我的行跨度。通过此偏移量,我可以访问层次结构中属于上一列的 td

这是我的代码。我稍微改变了它以适用于任何带有 rowspans 的表。

Document document = document = Jsoup.connect(URL).get(); //get the HTML page
Elements rows ="table > tbody > tr"); //select all rows
int[] offsets = new int[rows.size()];

for (int i = 0; i < rows.get(0).children().size(); i++) //unless colspans are used, this should return the number of columns
    for (int j = 0; j < rows.size(); // loops through the rows of each column
        Element cell = rows.get(j).child(i + offsets[j]); //get an individual cell

        if (cell.hasAttr("rowspan")) //if that cell has a rowspan
            int rowspan = Integer.parseInt(cell.attr("rowspan"));

            for (int k = 1; k < rowspan; k++)
                offsets[j + k]--; //add offsets to rows that now have a cell "missing"

            j += rowspan - 1; //add rowspan to index, to skip the "missing" cells

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