java - 如何从列表中获取距离给定目标最近的 vector

标签 java opengl

假设我在 Java 中创建了一个带有两个变量 xyVector 类:

public class Vector {
    private int x;
    private int y;

    public Vector(int x, int y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;

    public int getX() {
        return this.x;  

    public int getY(){
        return this.y;

然后我创建了一个 vector ArrayList:

private List<Vector> vecs = new ArrayList<Vector>();


etc ...

现在我想获得与另一个 vector 最接近的 vector 。 示例:

private List<Vector> vecs = new ArrayList<Vector>();
private Vector vec = new Vector(1,1);

for(Vector vector:vecs) {
    //What do i put here??

那么我应该在 for 循环中放入什么以使其从 vector 列表中选择最近的 vector ?


我首先向 Vector 类添加一个方法 distanceTo,用于计算从该 vector 到另一个 vector 的距离:

public double distanceTo(Vector vec) {
    double dx = x - vec.x;               //calculate the diffrence in x-coordinate
    double dy = y - vec.y;               //calculate the diffrence in y-coordinate
    return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);     //use the distance formula to find the difference

然后您可以编写以下方法,返回列表中与给定 vector 最接近的 vector :

public static Vector closest(Vector target, List<Vector> list) {
    Vector closest = list.get(0);                                 //this variable will kep track of the closest vector we have found yet. We simply start with the first one

    for(int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {                        //loop over the list, skipping the first entry
        Vector curr = list.get(i);                                //get the current vector from the list
        if (target.distanceTo(curr) < target.distanceTo(closest))    //if the current vector is closer to target than the closest one yet
            closest = curr;                                       //keep the current vector as the new closest one

    return closest;                                               //return the resulting vector


Vector target = new Vector(1, 2);

List<Vector> vecs = new ArrayList<Vector>();
vecs.add(new Vector(-2, 6));
vecs.add(new Vector(1, 3));
vecs.add(new Vector(4, 0));
vecs.add(new Vector(8, -1));

Vector closest = findClosest(target, vecs);



 public double distanceTo(Vector vec1,Vector vec2) {
        double dx = vec2.x - vec1.x;               //calculate the diffrence in x-coordinate
        double dy = vec.y - vec1.y;               //calculate the diffrence in y-coordinate
        return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);     //use the distance formula to find the difference

这是如果你不能把它放入 vector 类

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