Java Paint 组件刷新率?

标签 java swing animation buffer

我正在用 Java 开发一个小游戏,并且正在重写玩家移动系统,使其不再基于网格。它是一个 2D 横向卷轴游戏,我想要实现的是基本的玩家移动,这样当用户按下并按住右键时,玩家就会向右移动,左键也是如此。我遇到的问题是另一个类中的 Paint 组件在屏幕上绘制播放器的图像,位置 X 和 Y 存储在设置类中。然后,当用户按下 Right 时,KeyListener 类会获取,并添加到 X 值(对于 Left 也是如此,但每次都会减 1)。这会在屏幕上创建一个缓慢移动的角色,我想做的是让他移动得更快,但每次不要添加超过 1 像素,因为看起来他正在跳过像素(我已经尝试过)。


KeyListener 片段:

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent arg0) {
    int key = arg0.getKeyCode();

    if(key == 39) { // Right Key
    }else if(key == 37) { // Left Key



g.drawImage(player_image, Settings.player_pos_x, Settings.player_pos_y, this);






Flicker is a common problem when programming graphics. Graphics operations that require multiple complex painting operations can cause the rendered images to appear to flicker or have an otherwise unacceptable appearance.

When double buffering is enabled, all paint operations are first rendered to a memory buffer instead of the drawing surface on the screen. After all paint operations are completed, the memory buffer is copied directly to the drawing surface associated with it. Because only one graphics operation is performed on the screen, the image flickering associated with complex painting operations is eliminated.


Suppose you had to draw an entire picture on the screen, pixel by pixel or line by line. If you were to draw such a thing directly to the screen (using, say, Graphics.drawLine), you would probably notice with much disappointment that it takes a bit of time. You will probably even notice visible artifacts of how your picture is drawn. Rather than watching things being drawn in this fashion and at this pace, most programmers use a technique called double-buffering.

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