java - Java通过参数获取类型

标签 java generics gson

当然,我对所有这些 Java 东西都很陌生,所以我有一个问题,我正在尝试反序列化在 WCF 服务上获得的响应,一切正常,但是,我正在尝试创建一个通用函数来做到这一点。


public List<msg> GetService(String method){
    List<msg> response = new ArrayList<msg>();

    Type msgType = new TypeToken<List<msg>>(){}.getType();

    //Obtaining result
    response = uJSON.fromJson(serviceResponse, msgType);
    //uJSON is an instance of Gson library, for deserializing it just needs
    //the service response and a Class<T> or Type to reflect the obtained message


public <thing> void GetInstanceService(String method){
     List<thing> response = new ArrayList<thing>();

     Type rType2 = new TypeToken<List<thing>>(){}.getType(); //Got java.util.List<thing>

     //And when I'm trying to deserialize I just obtain a List of object 
     //[java.lang.Object@5c7a987e, java.lang.Object@74b1a7a0]

     type2 = uJSON.fromJson(new String(entity), rType2);



所以,当我调用“GetInstanceService”时,“thing”是“msgType”类型,对于 List<thing>而且响应也不应该是 List<msgType>而不是List <Object>


public void GetInstanceService(Type type){
    List<type> type2 = new ArrayList<type>();  //Compilation time error

    msgType oType = new msgType();
    Class classType = oType.getClass();
    List<classType> type3;    //Compilation time error



Guava 类 TypeToken 不支持该使用模式。您正在使用类型变量创建类型标记,但没有足够的信息来重建 List<String>来自List<T> 。您应该创建 TypeToken 的实例您拥有所有必需的编译时信息。


Note that it's critical that the actual type argument is carried by a subclass. The following code is wrong because it only captures the <T> type variable of the listType() method signature; while <String> is lost in erasure:

class Util {
  static <T> TypeToken<List<T>> listType() {
    return new TypeToken<List<T>>() {};

TypeToken<List<String>> stringListType = Util.<String>listType();

但是如上所述,您可以实例化 TypeToken在调用站点,所有类型信息都可用,然后将其作为参数传递。像这样的事情:

public <thing> void GetInstanceService(String method, TypeToken<List<thing>> token){
     List<thing> response = new ArrayList<thing>();

     Type rType2 = token.getType();

     type2 = uJSON.fromJson(new String(entity), rType2);

comm.GetInstanceService("listTestType", new TypeToken<List<msgType>>() {});


Paul Bellora 指出您还可以接受参数 TypeToken<thing> token ,并构建 TypeToken<List<thing>> token 的方法内部:

public <thing> void GetInstanceService(String method, TypeToken<thing> token) {
     List<thing> response = new ArrayList<thing>();

     Type rType2 = new TypeToken<List<thing>>() {}
         .where(new TypeParameter<thing>() {}, token); // where() binds "thing" to token

     type2 = uJSON.fromJson(new String(entity), rType2);

comm.GetInstanceService("listTestType", new TypeToken<msgType>() {});

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