java - 我收到错误 :cannot find symbol when compiling

标签 java if-statement compiler-errors

我正在尝试使用 IF 语句进行计算和舍入,代码如下。错误出现在行上: if (partterms < 6)

   // Setup Array List for Course CU
        ArrayList<Double> coursecu = new ArrayList<Double>();
  // Read inputs for Course Units and Sum the Value
        System.out.println("Please enter Individual Course CU values, Q to quit:");
        Scanner in2 = new Scanner(;
        while (in.hasNextDouble())
        double sum = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < coursecu.size(); i++)
            sum = sum + coursecu.get(i);
        System.out.println("Total Credit Units Required for Graduation");
  // Calculate the Number of Terms to Completion
          double fullterm = sum / planned_units; // Sets Whole Terms 
          double partterm = sum % planned_units; // Sets Partial Terms
        if (partterm < 6)
            number_terms = fullterms++;
            number_terms = fullterms;


{ ← 
    double fullterm = sum / planned_units; // Sets Whole Terms 
    double partterm = sum % planned_units; // Sets Partial Terms
} ←

删除 {},变量将在这个奇怪的 block 之外被识别。

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