java - 无法在 Eclipse 中使用 htmlunitsdriver

标签 java selenium-webdriver htmlunit-driver

我正在尝试在 Eclipse 中使用 HTMLunitdriver。


WebDriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver();

所有 jar 文件都添加到构建路径中,但我收到错误“HTMLunit 驱动程序无法解析为类型”。



嗨,arjun,请降级到 2.52,它肯定会工作,我也已经弄明白为什么它不工作了

HtmlUnitDriver was a part of Selenium main distribution package prior to Selenium version
2.53. If you are using Selenium 2.52 or earlier you don't need to download and install 
HtmlUnitDriver, it is already there.

According to Selenium evolution strategy drivers should be separated from Selenium, 
and a driver release cycle should be synchronized with the target browser release cycle 
instead of Selenium release cycle. So this happened to HtmlUnitDriver too. It's not a part 
of the main Selenium distribution since version 2.53.

请通过链接获取更多信息 此外,如果您想继续使用 2.53 版本,请在此处下载 HtmlUnitDriver 表格

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