java - 一次声明多个 swing 元素

标签 java swing declare

我正在开发一个小游戏,一个面向 IT 类(class)的 Java 项目。

要添加/声明(???)Java swing 元素,我使用了这种类型的编写:

JLabel A = new JLabel();
JLabel B = new JLabel();
//More JLabels...

JButton A = new JButton();
JButton B = new JButton();
//More JButtons...


JLabel A = new JLabel(), B = new JLabel()/*More JLabels...*/;

JButton A = new JButton(), B = new JButton()/*More JButton...*/;

/*Generaly more comments everywhere over the code for my teacher (and me)
 *and more for a better overview.


是否有更短的方法来一次添加/声明(???)多个 Java swing 元素?

//like this
JLabel A, B, C, D, E, F = new JLabel();
new JLabel[A, B, C, D, E, F];//PLS don't ask what I'm doing in this line xD

或者 Stackoverflow 中可能已经有一个我没有找到的类似问题?


This question may already have an answer here: Initializing multiple variables to the same value in Java 6 answers


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不适用于 Jbuttons 和 JLabels。


如果您使用的是 Java 8,您可以使用:

List<String> labels = ....;
Stream<Button> stream =;
List<Button> buttons = stream.collect(Collectors.toList());

摘自本书Java se 8 for the really impatient


JPanel p = new JPanel();
buttons.forEach((t) -> p.add(t));//add your buttons to your panel

关于java - 一次声明多个 swing 元素,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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