java - CompletableFuture with Runnable-delegation - 在委托(delegate)类中忽略异常

标签 java java-8 completable-future

我在使用 CompletableFuture 将代码转换为非阻塞代码时遇到问题。为了尽量减少问题的范围,我创建了一个 sample code当我使用 CompletableFuture 时,它​​的行为有所不同。问题是 CompletableFuture 吞下了来自 Runnable-delegation 的异常。

我在 Runnable 和 ExecutorService 之上使用委托(delegate)来提供我的原始应用程序所需的一些包装器代码。


  • MyRunnable:我的示例 runnable,它总是抛出异常。

    public class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
            System.out.println("This is My Thread throwing exception : " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
            throw new RuntimeException("Runtime exception from MyThread");
  • DelegatingRunnable - 这是委托(delegate) runnable,它围绕传递给它的 Runnable 委托(delegate)和包装逻辑,以及用于异常处理的占位符。

    public class DelegatingRunnable implements Runnable {
        private Runnable delegate; 
        public DelegatingRunnable(Runnable delegate) {
            this.delegate = delegate;
        public void run() {
            System.out.println("Delegating Thread start : " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
            try {
                // Some code before thread execution
                // Some code after thread execution
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // While using CompletableFuture, could not catch exception here
                System.out.println("###### Delegating Thread Exception Caught : " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
                //throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                System.out.println("!!!!!!! Delegating Thread Throwable Caught : " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
            System.out.println("Delegating Thread ends : " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
  • DelegatingExecutorService - 此委托(delegate)执行方法。它只是用 DelegatingRunnable 包装了 runnable。

    public class DelegatingExecutorService extends AbstractExecutorService {
        private ExecutorService executor;
        public DelegatingExecutorService(ExecutorService executor) {
            this.executor = executor;
        public void execute(Runnable command) {
            executor.execute(new DelegatingRunnable(command));
        // Othere delegating methods
  • MainClass - 我使用两种方法。 Way1 - 使用不带 CompletableFuture 的 ExecutorService。方式 2 - 使用 CompletableFuture

    public class MainClass {
        public static void main(String[] arg) {
        public static void way2() {
            System.out.println("Way:2 # This is main class : " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
            ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()+1);
            DelegatingExecutorService executorService = new DelegatingExecutorService(executor);
            CompletableFuture.runAsync(new MyRunnable(), executorService)
                .whenComplete((res, ex) -> {
                    if (ex != null) {
                        System.out.println("whenComplete - exception  : " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
                    } else {
                        System.out.println("whenComplete - success  : " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
            System.out.println("main class completed : " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
        public static void way1() {
            System.out.println("Way:1 # This is main class : " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
            ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()+1);
            DelegatingExecutorService executorService = new DelegatingExecutorService(executor);
            executorService.execute(new MyRunnable());
            System.out.println("main class completed : " + Thread.currentThread().getName());

问题: 当我运行 way1() 时,输出是

    Way:1 # This is main class : main
    Delegating Thread start : pool-1-thread-1
    This is My Thread throwing exception : pool-1-thread-1
    ###### Delegating Thread Exception Caught : pool-1-thread-1
    main class completed : main
    Delegating Thread ends : pool-1-thread-1

你可以注意到 'DelegatingRunnable' 的 catch block 可以捕获这里的异常,这是从 MyRunnable 引发的。但是,如果我使用 CompletableFuture 使用 way2(),MyRunnable 的异常不会在 DelegatingRunnable 下咳嗽,尽管我看到它在 CompletableFuture 的“whenComplete”回调下咳嗽。


    Way:2 # This is main class : main
    Delegating Thread start : pool-1-thread-1
    This is My Thread throwing exception : pool-1-thread-1
    Delegating Thread ends : pool-1-thread-1
    whenComplete - exception  : main
    main class completed : main

您会注意到 CompletableFuture 在内部使用相同的 DelegatingExecutionService 和 DelegatingRunnable。我不明白为什么 DelegatingRunnable 在这种情况下无法捕获异常。

(为什么我要使用 CompletableFuture?-这只是一个示例代码来解释我所面临的确切问题。但总的来说,我需要使用 CompletableFuture 以非阻塞方式最终创建任务链)


CompletableFuture 的源代码中,您可以看到它将给定的 Runnable 包装在一个 AsyncRun 类型的对象中,该对象本身实现了 可运行。 此 AsyncRun 将传递给执行程序的 execute 方法。 当内部/原始 Runnable 抛出异常时,它会被 AsyncRun 的代码捕获并且 CompletableFuture 完成为失败但异常将不会被重新抛出。

这就是为什么您的包装器 (DelegatingRunnable) 永远不会看到异常的原因。

关于java - CompletableFuture with Runnable-delegation - 在委托(delegate)类中忽略异常,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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