ios - 如何以编程方式感知 iPhone 静音开关?

标签 ios audio avaudiosession

我似乎无法在 SDK 中找到如何以编程方式感知 iPhone 上的静音按钮/开关。当我的应用程序播放背景音乐时,它会正确响应音量按钮,而无需我执行任何代码,但当我使用静音开关时,它会一直播放。




谢谢,JPM。事实上,您提供的链接会导致正确的答案(最终。;)为了完整性(因为 S.O. 应该是快速答案的来源!)...

// "Ambient" makes it respect the mute switch
// Must call this once to init session
if (!gAudioSessionInited)
    AudioSessionInterruptionListener    inInterruptionListener = NULL;
    OSStatus    error;
    if ((error = AudioSessionInitialize (NULL, NULL, inInterruptionListener, NULL)))
        NSLog(@"*** Error *** error in AudioSessionInitialize: %d.", error);
        gAudioSessionInited = YES;

SInt32  ambient = kAudioSessionCategory_AmbientSound;
if (AudioSessionSetProperty (kAudioSessionProperty_AudioCategory, sizeof (ambient), &ambient))
    NSLog(@"*** Error *** could not set Session property to ambient.");

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