java - 如何在jME3 SDK中安装jVi插件?

标签 java netbeans ide netbeans-plugins

我正在尝试安装 jVi进入jME3 SDK .当我尝试从 SDK 中手动添加它们时(通过工具->插件->下载->添加插件->安装),我无法按“下一步”,并被告知我需要安装一些 API :

Some plugins require plugin MIME Lookup API to be installed.
The plugin MIME Lookup API is requested in version >= 1.22.1 but only 1.22 was found.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues 
Some plugins require plugin UI Utilities API to be installed.
The plugin UI Utilities API is requested in version >= 7.31.1 but only 7.31 was found.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues 
Some plugins require plugin Dialogs API to be installed.
The plugin Dialogs API is requested in version >= 7.20.1 but only 7.20 was found.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues 
Some plugins require plugin Nodes API to be installed.
The plugin Nodes API is requested in version >= 7.21.1 but only 7.21 was found.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues 
Some plugins require plugin Text API to be installed.
The plugin Text API is requested in implementation version 201107282000.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues 
Some plugins require plugin Utilities API to be installed.
The plugin Utilities API is requested in version >= 8.15.1 but only 8.15 was found.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues 
Some plugins require plugin Lookup API to be installed.
The plugin Lookup API is requested in version >= 8.8.1 but only 8.8 was found.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues 
Some plugins require plugin Window System API to be installed.
The plugin Window System API is requested in version >= 6.40.1 but only 6.40 was found.  The following plugin is affected:       jVi: NB-7.0.1 patch for undo related issues  Some plugins not installed to avoid potential installation problems.

这些 API 在“可用”或“已安装”选项卡中似乎不可用。 jME3 SDK 是基于我不知道什么版本的 netbeans。 jme3 SDK 的关于部分只是告诉我我正在使用 jME3 SDK 3.0beta。我尝试打开一些 jar 并四处寻找,但找不到太多相关信息。


好的,我刚刚找到了解决方案。当从 jME3 SDK 中的 jVi zip 文件手动安装时,您应该只选择以下模块:

jVi Core

jVi for NetBeans

jVi Help



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