java - 为什么 IsIterableContainingInOrder Hamcrest 匹配器无法处理数组?

标签 java junit hamcrest

除了使用 .equals() 之外,我显然对如何使用 Hamcrest 的 IsIterableContainingInOrder 来验证 List 相等性感到困惑。我希望在我的报告中看到 Hamcrest 的有用信息。

为什么下面的测试甚至无法编译?其中一些比其他的更违反直觉,至少对我而言。我认为,我得到了一般原则,即类型参数将被推断为我传递给具有可变参数签名的方法的内容,因此它将 T 的数组视为 T 的可变参数,因此将生成基于 T 而不是基于 T 的 Matcher T 的数组、T 的可迭代对象或类似的东西。



  • 3和4展示了array/List的不对称性
  • 5 和 6 表明我可以查看列表而不是数组(?)


public void testTest() {
  String string1 = "A";
  String string2 = "B";
  String string3 = "C";

  List<String> list1 = Lists.newArrayList(string1, string2, string3);
  List<String> list2 = Lists.newArrayList(string1, string2, "C");

  String[] array1 = list1.toArray(new String[list1.size()]);
  String[] array2 = list2.toArray(new String[list2.size()]);

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 1) The assertion after this comment line DOES NOT COMPILE
  // Assert.assertThat(array2, IsIterableContainingInOrder.contains(array1));
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 2) The assertion after this comment line DOES NOT COMPILE
  // Assert.assertThat(list2, IsIterableContainingInOrder.contains(list1));
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 3) The assertion after this comment line SUCCEEDS
  Assert.assertThat(list2, IsIterableContainingInOrder.contains(array1));
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 4) The assertion after this comment line DOES NOT COMPILE + HAS WARNING
  // Assert.assertThat(array2, IsIterableContainingInOrder.contains(list1));
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 5) The assertion after this comment line DOES NOT COMPILE
  // Assert.assertThat(array2, IsIterableContainingInOrder.contains(string1));
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 6) The assertion after this comment line COMPILES but fails
  Assert.assertThat(list2, IsIterableContainingInOrder.contains(string1));
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // 7) The assertion after this comment line COMPILES and succeeds
      IsIterableContainingInOrder.contains(string1, string2, string3));
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

大量的惊讶。 :(

PS 我意识到所有的惊讶都来自于我自己的无知,而不是别的。我应该复习泛型、类型推断、可变参数等。我真的可以对此进行详尽的解释,并且我可能会在以后多次回顾它。

PPS 我确实尝试先阅读代码,但看了几秒钟...;) 不是为了假装:

public static <E> Matcher<Iterable<? extends E>> contains(final Matcher<? super E> itemMatcher) {
    return contains(new ArrayList<Matcher<? super E>>(asList(itemMatcher)));



// 1) The assertion after this comment line DOES NOT COMPILE
// Assert.assertThat(array2, IsIterableContainingInOrder.contains(array1));


// 2) The assertion after this comment line DOES NOT COMPILE
// Assert.assertThat(list2, IsIterableContainingInOrder.contains(list1));

为此,list2 应该是 List<List<String>> , as contains 仅验证可迭代对象是否包含传递的项目

// 3) The assertion after this comment line SUCCEEDS
Assert.assertThat(list2, IsIterableContainingInOrder.contains(array1));

通过,因为 array1 被当作可变参数。

// 4) & 5) 


// 6) The assertion after this comment line COMPILES but fails
Assert.assertThat(list2, IsIterableContainingInOrder.contains(string1));


// 7)

与 3 类似,但每个项目都通过了。

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