c++ - 基于ATL的CWindowImpl的Direct2D桌面窗口类模板

标签 c++ templates c++11 atl direct2d

Kenny Kerr 在他关于 Direct2D 的教程(part1part2)中展示了如何制作简单的 2D 动画时钟并使用以下类层次结构:

//Desktop window class based on ATL's CWindowImpl
template <typename T> struct DesktopWindow :
CWindowImpl<DesktopWindow<T>, CWindow, CWinTraits<WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE>>
    // code here, including:
    void Run() {}

//ClockSample class which further extends DesktopWindow
template <typename T> struct ClockSample : T
    //code here

//SampleWindow class which is empty and is needed, as far as I understand,
//to, so to speak, "untemplate" ClockSample template
struct SampleWindow : ClockSample<DesktopWindow<SampleWindow>>

//main function
int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, PWSTR, int)
    SampleWindow window;


struct SampleWindow : ClockSample<DesktopWindow<SampleWindow>> - 我很难理解哪个类继承自哪个类以及这里是什么? SampleWindow 继承自 ClockSample,然后又出现了 SampleWindow,它看起来像是对我的循环引用?如果有人能用简单的语言解释这里到底发生了什么,我会很高兴。


SampleWindow 继承自 ClockSample(“untemplates”),后者又派生自 DesktopWindow,后者又派生自 ATL 的CWindowImpl(进一步将 CWindow 作为基类;CWindowHWND 窗口句柄上的薄包装) .

SampleWindow 作为模板参数允许将代码“向下转换”到后代类并调用重写的方法,而无需将它们设为虚拟。这种方法在 ATL 中被大量使用,尤其是。


template <typename T> struct DesktopWindow :
CWindowImpl<DesktopWindow<T>, CWindow, CWinTraits<WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE>>
    // code here, including:
    void Run()
      T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this); // T = SampleWindow

struct SampleWindow : ClockSample<DesktopWindow<SampleWindow>>
    VOID InternalRun()
      // So we eventually reach here

关于c++ - 基于ATL的CWindowImpl的Direct2D桌面窗口类模板,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31637710/


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