java - 使用 SWIG 在重载的 C++ 方法中设置类型

标签 java android c++ swig

我正在编写 C++ 库,供不同平台(包括 Android)上的应用程序使用。 对于 Android 构建,使用了 SWIG(我无法更改此选择,而且我从未使用过 swig)。 在我被分配到 init 方法重载任务之前,Java 到 C++ 的自动类型转换工作正常。

对于旧的 init C++ 接口(interface)是:

        * Initialize classifier from file
        * @param modelPath std::string  Full path to file with model
        * @return Classifier            Possible values:
        *                               pointer to Classifier instance in case of success
        *                               nullptr otherwise
        static Classifier* init(const std::string& modelPath);


  public static Classifier init(String modelPath) {
    long cPtr = CLJNI.Classifier_init__SWIG_0(modelPath);
    return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new Classifier(cPtr, true);

对于新的 init C++ 是:

        * Initialize classifier from memory block
        * @param modelMemory char*       Pointer to the memory block where model definition is stored
        * @param modelMemorySize size_t  Size of memory block allocated for model storage
        * @return Classifier             Possible values:
        *                                pointer to Classifier instance in case of success
        *                                nullptr otherwise
        static Classifier* init(char* modelMemory, const size_t modelMemorySize);

SWIG 生成的 Java 代码是:

  public static Classifier init(String modelMemory, long modelMemorySize) {
    long cPtr = CLJNI.Classifier_init__SWIG_1(modelMemory, modelMemorySize);
    return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new Classifier(cPtr, true);

但我需要 Java 方法:

Classifier init(byte[] modelMemory, long modelMemorySize);

char* 必须转换为 byte[] 而不是 String

我应该在 Classifier.i 文件(现在看起来如下)中做哪些更改才能使两个 init 方法可用于从 Java 调用?

#include "Group.h"
#include "Classifier.h"

//Java programmers are afraid of 'delete' method, so we have to rename it.
//Yes, bloody stupid, I know.
%typemap(javadestruct, methodname="dispose", methodmodifiers="public synchronized") CL::Classifier {
    if(swigCPtr != 0 && swigCMemOwn) {
      swigCMemOwn = false;
    swigCPtr = 0;

%typemap(javafinalize) CL::Classifier %{
    protected void finalize() {

%newobject CL::Classifier::init;

%include "Classifier.h"


以下解决方案(基于 Flexo's example)在 SWIG 2.0.11SWIG 3.0.8 上进行了检查:

%module Classifier

#include "Group.h"
#include "Classifier.h"

%typemap(jtype) (signed char* modelMemory, const size_t modelMemorySize) "byte[]"
%typemap(jstype) (signed char* modelMemory, const size_t modelMemorySize) "byte[]"
%typemap(jni) (signed char* modelMemory, const size_t modelMemorySize) "jbyteArray"
%typemap(javain) (signed char* modelMemory, const size_t modelMemorySize) "$javainput"

%typemap(in,numinputs=1) (signed char* modelMemory, const size_t modelMemorySize) {
  $1 = JCALL2(GetByteArrayElements, jenv, $input, NULL);
  $2 = JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, $input);

%typemap(freearg) (signed char* modelMemory, const size_t modelMemorySize) {
  // Or use  0 instead of ABORT to keep changes if it was a copy
  JCALL3(ReleaseByteArrayElements, jenv, $input, $1, JNI_ABORT);

%typemap(javadestruct, methodname="dispose", methodmodifiers="public synchronized") CL::Classifier {
    if(swigCPtr != 0 && swigCMemOwn) {
      swigCMemOwn = false;
    swigCPtr = 0;

%typemap(javafinalize) CL::Classifier %{
    protected void finalize() {

%newobject CL::Classifier::init;

%include "Classifier.h"

%include "arrays_java.i"%apply(在原始示例中编写)发现不必要。

这很好用并提供了两个 init 方法:

  public static Classifier init(String modelPath) {
    long cPtr = CLJNI.Classifier_init__SWIG_0(modelPath);
    return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new Classifier(cPtr, true);

  public static Classifier init(byte[] modelMemory) {
    long cPtr = CLJNI.Classifier_init__SWIG_1(modelMemory);
    return (cPtr == 0) ? null : new Classifier(cPtr, true);

但需要使用 signed char* 类型而不是 char*。 否则

 public static Classifier init(String modelMemory, long modelMemorySize)


我还发现对于 SWIG 3.0.8 解决方案只能在一个额外的行中:

 %apply(char *STRING, size_t LENGTH) { (signed char *modelMemory, size_t modelMemorySize) };

即Classifier.i 是:

%module Classifier

#include "Group.h"
#include "Classifier.h"

%apply(char *STRING, size_t LENGTH) { (signed char *modelMemory, size_t modelMemorySize) };

%typemap(javadestruct, methodname="dispose", methodmodifiers="public synchronized") CL::Classifier {
    if(swigCPtr != 0 && swigCMemOwn) {
      swigCMemOwn = false;
    swigCPtr = 0;

%typemap(javafinalize) CL::Classifier %{
    protected void finalize() {

%newobject CL::Classifier::init;

%include "Classifier.h"

对于 SWIG 2.0.11,这种方式会导致编译错误,因为包装器 (CLJAVA_wrap.cxx) 生成不正确:

SWIGEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_impl_tools_CLJNI_Classifier_1init_1_1SWIG_11(JNIEnv *jenv, jclass jcls, jbyteArray jarg1) {
  jlong jresult = 0 ;
  signed char *arg1 = (signed char *) 0 ;
  size_t arg2 ;
  CL::Classifier *result = 0 ;

    if (jarg1) {
      arg1 = (char *) jenv->GetByteArrayElements(jarg1, 0);     // ERROR HERE: invalid conversion from 'char*' to 'signed char*'
      arg2 = (size_t) jenv->GetArrayLength(jarg1);
    } else {
      arg1 = 0;
      arg2 = 0;
  result = (CL::Classifier *)CL::Classifier::init(arg1,arg2);
  *(CL::Classifier **)&jresult = result; 
    if (jarg1) jenv->ReleaseByteArrayElements(jarg1, (jbyte *)arg1, 0);

  return jresult;

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