c++ - 交换链表中的相邻节点(迭代方法)

标签 c++ linked-list

问题解释: 我必须像这样交换相邻的对:
输入:1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> NULL
输出:2 -> 1 -> 4 -> 3 -> 5 -> NULL

listnode* swapPairs(listnode* head) {
    /* corner cases not included, don't bother */
    listnode *prev = head;    //points to first node
    listnode *curr = prev -> next;      //points to second
    head = curr;    //displacing head to the second element of list
    listnode *next;      //points to next of second
    while(curr != NULL || prev != NULL) {
        next = curr -> next;      
        curr -> next = prev;
        prev -> next = next;
        prev = next;
        curr = prev -> next;
    return head;   


有几个问题,你没有检查headhead->next 是否为NULL。然后你不检查 curr = prev -> next; 是否为 NULL,如果节点数不是偶数,这是一个问题。


我建议您交换节点的值,这要简单得多,因为不必修改成员 next

关于c++ - 交换链表中的相邻节点(迭代方法),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39256660/


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