c++ - 如何在输出的特定部分添加一个月?

标签 c++ arrays


  The year's average monthly rainfall was 139 mm.
September has the highest rainfall (190 mm).
January has the lowes rainfall (95 mm)

Month    Rainfall(mm)   Classification
1                  95                     Dry
2               100                     Dry
3               120                 Average
4               130                Average
5               135                Average
6               145                Average
7               155                Average
8               185                 Rainy
9               190                 Rainy
10             160              Average
11             130              Average
12             120             Average


The year's average monthly rainfall was 139mm
The lowest rainfall was (95 mm)
The highest rainfall was (190 mm)

Months     Rainfall(mm)     Classification

1          95               Dry         
2          100              Dry         
3          120              Average     
4          130              Average     
5          135              Average     
6          145              Average     
7          155              Average     
8          185              Rainy       
9          190              Rainy       
10         160              Average     
11         130              Average     
12         120              Average     






#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
using namespace std;

int main ()

int months[12] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 };
int rainFall;
string Classification[12];

ifstream inputFile;

int n=0;
int sum=0,total=0;

fstream file("rainfall.txt");
while(file >> n)
    sum += n;

int average = (float) sum/total;

if( (average + 0.5) >= (int(average) + 1) )
cout << "The year's average monthly rainfall was " << average << "mm" << endl;

cout << "The year's average monthly rainfall was " << average+1 << "mm" << endl;

    int low = numeric_limits<int>::max();
    int high = numeric_limits<int>::min(); 
    ifstream fin("rainfall.txt");

        return 1;

    int n;
    while(fin >> n)
        if(n > high)
            high = n;
        if(n < low)
            low = n;

    cout << "The lowest rainfall was (" << low << " mm)" << '\n';
    cout << "The highest rainfall was (" << high << " mm)" << '\n';

抱歉,如果我想问的问题难以理解。 txt文件的内容就是输出中Rainfall下的数字。



133 231 90后 ... 第一个数字是 jaunary,最后一个是 december...你只需要添加这个:

int low = numeric_limits<int>::max();
int high = numeric_limits<int>::min(); 
ifstream fin("rainfall.txt");

    return 1;

int n;

int monthCounter = 0;
int monthHigh;
int monthLow;

while(fin >> n)

    if(n > high) {
        high = n;
        monthHigh = monthCounter;
    if(n < low) {
        monthLow = monthCounter;
        low = n;

cout << "The lowest rainfall was (" << low << " mm)" << '\n';
cout << "The highest rainfall was (" << high << " mm)" << '\n';

在代码的末尾,您将在 monthHigh 和 monthLow 中添加月份,只需添加一个包含月份名称的数组,然后使用 monthHigh 和 monthLow 对其进行索引。

关于c++ - 如何在输出的特定部分添加一个月?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40126605/


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