c++ - 在对其成员之一进行排序后移动结构数组的其余成员

标签 c++ arrays sorting struct bubble-sort



每个 sku 编号都有其产品名称、价格和数量。我的代码仅对 sku 编号进行排序并且有效,唯一的问题是其余成员留在同一个地方。



#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

struct inventory {

  string name;
  int sku;
  int quantity;
  double price;

int size = 0;

void fillArray ( inventory[], int&, ifstream& );
void sortArray ( inventory[], int );
void displayIn ( inventory[], int );
int lookupSku ( inventory[], int, int );
int lookupName ( inventory[], int, string );

int main(){
  // Constants for menu choices
  const int DISPLAY_INVENTORY = 1,
            LOOKUP_SKU = 2,
            LOOKUP_NAME = 3,
            QUIT_CHOICE = 4;

  // Variables
  int choice;

  inventory products [100];

  ifstream fin;
  fin.open ("inventory.dat");

  if (!fin)
    cout << endl << endl
         << " ***Program Terminated. *** " << endl << endl
         << " Input file failed to open. " << endl;

    system ( "PAUSE>NUL" );

    return 1;

  fillArray ( products, size, fin );
  sortArray ( products, size );

   // Set up numeric output formatting.
   cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

      // Display the menu.
      cout << "\n\t\t Manage Inventory Menu\n\n"
           << "1. Display inventory sorted by sku\n"
           << "2. Lookup a product by sku\n"
           << "3. Lookup a product by name\n"
           << "4. Quit the Program\n\n"
           << "Enter your choice: ";
      cin >> choice;
      cout << endl;

      // Validate the menu selection.
      while (choice < DISPLAY_INVENTORY || choice > QUIT_CHOICE)
         cout << "Please enter a valid menu choice: ";
         cin >> choice;

      // Validate and process the user's choice.
      if (choice != QUIT_CHOICE)
         int indexSku,

         string nameChoice;

         switch (choice)
            case DISPLAY_INVENTORY:
                displayIn ( products, size );

            case LOOKUP_SKU:
                cout << "Enter the Sku number: ";
                cin >> skuChoice;

                indexSku = lookupSku( products, size, skuChoice );

                cout << "Product Name: " << products[indexSku].name << endl
                     << "Sku: " << products[indexSku].sku << endl
                     << "Quantity: " << products[indexSku].quantity << endl
                     << "Price: " << products[indexSku].price << endl;

            case LOOKUP_NAME:
                cout << "Enter name of product with no spaces: ";
                cin >> nameChoice;
                cout << endl;

                indexName = lookupName ( products, size, nameChoice );

                cout << "Product Name: " << products[indexName].name << endl
                     << "Sku: " << products[indexName].sku << endl
                     << "Quantity: " << products[indexName].quantity << endl
                     << "Price: " << products[indexName].price << endl;

   } while (choice != QUIT_CHOICE);

 fin.close ();

 return 0; 

void fillArray ( inventory product[], int &size, ifstream &fin )
  int counter = 0;

  while (fin >> product[counter].name)
     fin >>  product[counter].sku>> product[counter].quantity
         >> product[counter].price;

     counter ++;

  size = counter;

void sortArray ( inventory product[], int size )
   bool swap;
   int temp;

      swap = false;
      for (int count = 0; count < (size - 1); count++)
         if ( product[count].sku > product[count + 1].sku )
            temp = product[count].sku;
            product[count].sku = product[count + 1].sku;
            product[count + 1].sku = temp;
            swap = true;
   } while (swap);

void displayIn ( inventory product[], int size )

  for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
    cout << product[i].sku << "    " <<  product[i].quantity << "     "
         <<  product[i].price << "    " << setw(4) <<  product[i].name 

int lookupSku(inventory product[], int size, int value)
   int first = 0,
       last = size - 1,
       position = -1;
   bool found = false;

   while (!found && first <= last)
      middle = (first + last) / 2;
      if (product[middle].sku == value)
         found = true;
         position = middle;
      else if (product[middle].sku > value)
         last = middle - 1;
         first = middle + 1;
   return position;

int lookupName ( inventory product[], int size , string value )
   int first = 0,
       last = size - 1,
       position = -1;
   bool found = false;

   while (!found && first <= last)
      middle = (first + last) / 2;
      if (product[middle].name == value)
         found = true;
         position = middle;
      else if (product[middle].name > value)
         last = middle - 1;
         first = middle + 1;
   return position;


您需要交换整个 struct,而不仅仅是成员 sku

    if ( product[count].sku > product[count + 1].sku )
        inventory temp = product[count];
        product[count] = product[count + 1];
        product[count + 1] = temp;
        swap = true;

关于c++ - 在对其成员之一进行排序后移动结构数组的其余成员,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42184706/


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