c++ - 构建/组织文件系统文件夹的链表

标签 c++ tree directory unreal-engine4 graph-traversal


I need to know how I can represent a filesystem using a linked-list struct, when the node traversal is in a weirdly reversed depth-first, alphabetical order, knowing only two things at a time:

  • The full file (or folder) path, and:
  • Is this node a file, or a folder?


UE4 通过 IPlatformFile 支持内置的跨平台文件系统操作.


struct FFolderNode
    FFolderNode() : FFolderNode(nullptr, TEXT(""), TEXT("")) {};
    FFolderNode(const FString& Path, const FString& Name) : FFolderNode(nullptr, Path, Name) {};
    FFolderNode(FFolderNode *ParentNode, const FString& Path, const FString& Name) : ParentNode(ParentNode), Path(Path), Name(Name)
        ID = FGuid::NewGuid();

    // Makes it easier to identify, map & find this node
    FGuid ID;
    // The name of this directory
    FString Name;
    // The path of this directory
    FString Path;
    // The filenames this directory contains
    TArray<FString> FileNames;
    // The upwards directory (equivalent to the path "..")
    FFolderNode *ParentNode;
    // The subfolders (if any) contained within this directory
    TArray<FFolderNode*> ChildNodes;

我将项目的 Contents 文件夹路径传递给 IPlatformFile::IterateDirectory,它会执行以下操作: enter image description here

似乎我需要能够在创建和分配他们的 parent 之前创建节点,并且没有任何真正的所有权先验知识,除了当前访问的节点是文件或文件夹,并且它是作为字符串的完整路径。

IPlatformFile::FDirectoryVisitor::VisitIterateDirectory 调用的递归函数...引擎源似乎创建了一个内联类,它是 FDirectoryVisitor 的子类并覆盖此方法,这就是我在代码中所做的:

FFolderNode UDSAssetManager::GetContentTree()
    static auto ContentPath = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(FPaths::GameContentDir());

    class FFolderVisitor : public IPlatformFile::FDirectoryVisitor
        IPlatformFile& PlatformFile;

        FFolderVisitor(IPlatformFile& InPlatformFile) :
            PlatformFile(InPlatformFile), RootNode(nullptr), PreviousNode(nullptr),
            FolderDepth(-1), PreviousDepth(-1) {};

        FFolderNode *CreateRootNode(const FString& Path, const FString& Name)
            if (RootNode != nullptr)
                delete RootNode; // TODO: Traverse entire tree, releasing memory for all child nodes

            TArray<FString> SubPath;
            Path.ParseIntoArray(SubPath, TEXT("/"));
            if (SubPath.Num() > 0 && SubPath[SubPath.Num() - 1] == Name)
                SubPath.RemoveAt(SubPath.Num() - 1);

            return RootNode = new FFolderNode(FString::Join(SubPath, TEXT("/")), Name);

        virtual bool Visit(const TCHAR* FilenameOrDirectory, bool bIsDirectory) override
            auto Path = FString(FilenameOrDirectory);
            auto Result = PlatformFile.IterateDirectory(FilenameOrDirectory, *this);

            if (RootNode == nullptr)
                return false;

            FFolderNode *ThisNode = nullptr;
            if (VisitedNodes.Num() < 1)
                ThisNode = RootNode;
                ThisNode = new FFolderNode();

            auto TempPath = Path.Replace(*ContentPath, TEXT(""));
            TArray<FString> PathArray;
            TempPath.ParseIntoArray(PathArray, TEXT("/"));
            FolderDepth = PathArray.Num();

            // DO SOMETHING here, even though RootNode is NOT guaranteed
            // to be the actual root of the tree... ?

            PreviousNode = ThisNode;
            PreviousDepth = FolderDepth;

            return true;

        FORCEINLINE FFolderNode GetRootNode() const {
            if (RootNode == nullptr)
                return FFolderNode();
            return *RootNode;

        FFolderNode *RootNode;
        FFolderNode *PreviousNode;
        int32 FolderDepth;
        int32 PreviousDepth;
        TArray<FFolderNode*> VisitedNodes;

    FFolderVisitor FolderList(FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile());
    auto RootNode = FolderList.CreateRootNode(ContentPath, TEXT("Content"));
    FolderList.PlatformFile.IterateDirectory(*ContentPath, FolderList);

    return *RootNode;



FFolderVisitor::Visit 中调用 IterateDirectory 似乎实际上导致了奇怪的遍历顺序。在创建一个单独的方法来处理根节点的初始化并从那里调用 IterateDirectory 之后,遍历以正确的 DFS 顺序进行。

关于c++ - 构建/组织文件系统文件夹的链表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49568895/


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