ios - SecItemAdd 和 SecItemCopyMatching 返回错误代码 -34018 (errSecMissingEntitlement)

标签 ios cocoa keychain sskeychain

有时,当我从 Xcode 在设备上运行应用程序时,我会尝试访问钥匙串(keychain),但由于错误 -34018 而失败。这与任何记录在案的钥匙串(keychain)错误代码都不匹配,并且无法始终如一地重现。 (可能有 30% 的时间发生,我不清楚为什么会发生)。使调试这个问题非常困难的是完全缺乏文档。知道是什么原因造成的以及如何解决吗?我正在使用 Xcode 5 并在设备上运行 iOS 7.0.4。

这里有一个 Unresolved 问题:


我正在使用 SSKeychain 库来连接钥匙串(keychain)。这是片段。

#define SERVICE @"default"

@implementation SSKeychain (EXT)

+ (void)setValue:(NSString *)value forKey:(NSString *)key {
    NSError *error = nil;
    BOOL success = NO;
    if (value) {
        success = [self setPassword:value forService:SERVICE account:key error:&error];
    } else {
        success = [self deletePasswordForService:SERVICE account:key error:&error];
    NSAssert(success, @"Unable to set keychain value %@ for key %@ error %@", value, key, error);
    if (!success) {
        LogError(@"Unable to set value to keychain %@", error);
    LogTrace(@"Will set keychain account %@. is to nil? %d", key, value == nil);
    if (value == nil)
        LogWarn(@"Setting keychain %@ to nil!!!", key);

+ (NSString *)valueForKey:(NSString *)key {
    NSError *error = nil;
    NSString *value = [self passwordForService:SERVICE account:key error:&error];
    if (error && error.code != errSecItemNotFound) {
        NSAssert(!error, @"Unable to retrieve keychain value for key %@ error %@", key, error);
        LogError(@"Unable to retrieve keychain value for key %@ error %@", key, error);
    return value;

+ (BOOL)removeAllValues {
    LogInfo(@"Completely Reseting Keychain");
    return [[self accountsForService:SERVICE] all:^BOOL(NSDictionary *accountInfo) {
        return [self deletePasswordForService:SERVICE account:accountInfo[@"acct"]];




iOS 10 / XCode 8 Fix:

Add KeyChain Entitlement, Go to project settings->Capabilities->Keychain Sharing->Add Keychain Groups+Turn On

Apple 的回答:

UPDATE: We have finally been able to reproduce the -34018 error on iOS 8.3. This is the first step in identifying the root cause and then coming up with a fix.

As usual, we can't commit to a release timeframe, but this has affected many developers and we really want to get this resolved.

Earlier I suggested adding a small delay in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions and applicationDidBecomeActive: before accessing the keychain as a workaround. However, that doesn't actually appear to help. That means that there's no known workaround at this time other than relaunching the app.

The issue appears to be related to memory pressure, so perhaps being more aggressive in handling memory warnings may alleviate the problem


OK, here’s the latest.
This is a complex problem with multiple possible causes:

  • Some instances of the problem are caused by incorrect app signing. You can easily distinguish this case because the problem is 100% reproducible.
  • Some instances of the problem are caused by a bug in how iOS supports app development (r. 23,991,853). Debugging this was complicated by the fact that another bug in the OS (r. 23,770,418) masked its effect, meaning the problem only cropped up when the device was under memory pressure. We believe these problems were resolved in iOS 9.3.
  • We suspect that there may be yet more causes of this problem.

So, if you see this problem on a user device (one that hasn’t been talked to by Xcode) that’s running iOS 9.3 or later, please do file a bug report about it. Try to include the device system log in your bug report (I realise that can be tricky when dealing with customer devices; one option is to ask the customer to install Apple Configurator, which lets them view the system log). And if you do file a bug, please post your bug number, just for the record.

On behalf of Apple I’d like to thank everyone for their efforts in helping to track down this rather horrid issue. Share and Enjoy

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