C++/Arduino 集成开发环境。将 float 发布到 MQTT - 是否需要转换为字符串 -> 数组?

标签 c++ arduino

我正在尝试在 Arduino IDE 中使用 C++ 将 float 发布到 MQTT channel 。


#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SparkFunBME280.h>

BME280 atmosSensor;

String tStr;
String pStr;
String hStr;
char tArr[4];
char pArr[4];
char hArr[4];

void setup() {
    Setup wifi, mqtt, etc.

void loop() {
  float tempReading = atmosSensor.readTempC();
  float pressureReading = atmosSensor.readFloatPressure();
  float humidityReading = atmosSensor.readFloatHumidity();
  tStr = String(tempReading);
  pStr = String(pressureReading);
  hStr = String(humidityReading);
  tStr.toCharArray(tArr, tStr.length()+1);
  pStr.toCharArray(pArr, pStr.length()+1); 
  hStr.toCharArray(hArr, hStr.length()+1); 
  client.publish("atmos1/temperature", tArr);
  client.publish("atmos1/pressure", pArr);
  client.publish("atmos1/humidity", hArr);



您可以使用 dtostrf 以更少的步骤进行转换。

char* dtostrf(double __val, signed char __width, unsigned char __prec, char * __s )


 void loop()    
    float humidityReading = atmosSensor.readFloatHumidity();
    constexpr size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 7; //1 char for the sign, 1 char for the decimal dot, 4 chars for the value & 1 char for null termination
    char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; 
    dtostrf(humidityReading, BUFFER_SIZE - 1 /*width, including the decimal dot and minus sign*/, 2 /*precision*/, buffer);
    client.publish("atmos1/humidity", buffer, BUFFER_SIZE); //notice we're using the overload where you specify the length of the buffer, as we know it and it saves a call to strlen

粗略浏览一下 MQTT 源代码可以看出,在调用 publish() 之后,数据存储在内部缓冲区中,因此您应该安全地为多次调用重用同一缓冲区发布()。但一定要比我检查得更彻底 ;)

关于C++/Arduino 集成开发环境。将 float 发布到 MQTT - 是否需要转换为字符串 -> 数组?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57959969/


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