c++ - 在 C++ 中为家庭作业创建 IntegerNumber 类,以将大整数求和为超出长范围的字符串

标签 c++ string class int

所以我正在创建一个 IntegerNumber 类,它需要能够输出大约 26 位长的整数的加法,例如:-12345678954688709764347890 存储到 B 中,它是 IntegerNumber 类型。 A、B、C 和 D 都是 IntegerNumber 类型。我没有问题使用 operator= 函数将每个值分配给彼此,例如 A = B 或 B = C。稍后在主代码中,其中一个要求是能够输出数字的总和,例如 D = A + B,甚至可以对 A < B 进行比较。

如果这些数字在 long 或 int 数字范围内,我这样做就不会有问题。当这些值是字符串时,我无法弄清楚如何添加 -12345678954688709764347890 + 5678954688709764347890。将它们转换为可以添加甚至比较的类型的最佳方法是什么 (A < B)?


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

class IntegerNumber

    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &, const IntegerNumber&);
    friend IntegerNumber operator+(const IntegerNumber&, const IntegerNumber&);
    friend bool operator<(const IntegerNumber&, const IntegerNumber&);
    friend bool operator==(const IntegerNumber&, const IntegerNumber&);
    friend bool operator!=(const IntegerNumber&, const IntegerNumber&);


    char *intnum;


    IntegerNumber();  //default constructor

    IntegerNumber(const char *); //constructor with C-string argument

    IntegerNumber(const IntegerNumber &); //copy constructor

    ~IntegerNumber(); //destructor

    IntegerNumber& operator=(const IntegerNumber &rhsObject); //assignment operator

    int Length(); //returns length of string


void main() {

    IntegerNumber A; // IntegerNumber object is created and A contains the integer 0

    IntegerNumber B("-12345678954688709764347890"); // IntegerNumber object B is created and B contains the negative number shown within the quotes " "

    IntegerNumber C = "5678954688709764347890"; // IntegerNumber object C
                                                //is created and C contains the positive number shown within the quotes " "
    IntegerNumber D(B); // IntegerNumber object D is created and D contains
                        // the number that B contains
    A = B; // assigns the value of A to that of B
    cout << A << endl; // output to screen the integer in A
    B = C; // assigns the value of B to that of C
    cout << A << endl; // output to screen the integer in A
                       // value of A must be same as before.
    cout << D << endl; // output to screen the integer in D
                       // value of D must be same as before.
    cout << B << endl; // output to screen the integer in B
                       // value of B must be same as that of C
    D = A + B;
    cout << D << endl; // output the sum of the numbers A and B
    if ( A < B ) {
            C = A + B;
            cout << C << endl; // output the sum of A and B

    else {
        A = B + C;
        cout << A << endl; // output the sum of B and C

    if (A == B || C != D)
        cout << A << " " << D << endl; // output values of A and D

IntegerNumber::IntegerNumber() {

    intnum = new char[2];

    intnum = "0";


IntegerNumber::IntegerNumber(const char *str) {

    intnum = new char[strlen(str) +1];

    strcpy(intnum, str);


IntegerNumber::IntegerNumber(const IntegerNumber &ob) {

    intnum = new char[strlen(ob.intnum) +1];

    strcpy(intnum, ob.intnum);


IntegerNumber::~IntegerNumber() {

    delete [] intnum;


IntegerNumber& IntegerNumber::operator=(const IntegerNumber &ob) {

    if (this != &ob) {

        delete [] intnum;

        intnum = new char[strlen(ob.intnum) +1];

        strcpy(intnum, ob.intnum);


    return *this;

int IntegerNumber::Length() {

    return strlen(intnum);


ostream& operator<<(ostream &out, const IntegerNumber &ob) {

    out << ob.intnum;

    return out;


IntegerNumber operator+(const IntegerNumber &lhs, const IntegerNumber &rhs) {

    int strLength = strlen(lhs.intnum) + strlen(rhs.intnum) +1;

    char *tmpStr = new char[strLength];

    strcpy(tmpStr, lhs.intnum);

    strcat(tmpStr, rhs.intnum);

    IntegerNumber retStr(tmpStr);

    delete [] tmpStr;

    return retStr;


bool operator==(const IntegerNumber& lhs, const IntegerNumber& rhs) {

    return (strcmp(lhs.intnum, rhs.intnum) == 0);


bool operator!=(const IntegerNumber& lhs, const IntegerNumber& rhs) {

    return (strcmp(lhs.intnum, rhs.intnum) != 0);


bool operator<(const IntegerNumber& lhs, const IntegerNumber& rhs) {

    return (strcmp(lhs.intnum, rhs.intnum) < 0);


出于某种原因,我收到了 strcpy 的警告:Warning 4 warning C4996: 'strcpy': This function or variable may be unsafe。考虑改用 strcpy_s。要禁用弃用,请使用 _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS。详情请参见在线帮助。 c:\users\danny\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\hw6\hw6\hw6.cpp 106 1 HW6

还有 strcat 也有同样的错误,我尝试更改为 strcpy_s 和 strcat_s 但我收到一条错误消息:6 IntelliSense:没有重载函数“strcpy_s”的实例与参数列表 c:\users\danny\匹配文档\visual studio 2010\projects\hw6\hw6\hw6.cpp 89 3 HW6


有一个类型为 std::vector<char> 的字段在你的类中,并将大数的所有数字存储在其中,然后你可以对 operator+() 中 vector 的相应数字求和(就像你在学校做的那样)并返回结果。

class IntegerNumber
   //make sure that m_digits contains only digit: digit means, 0 to 9.
   //when you add 9 plus 4, it becomes 14, but you don't put in into m_digits,
   //rather you just put 3 (unit digit of 13), the 1 goes in the second round of sum!
   std::vector<char> m_digits;
          IntegerNumber(const std::string &number)
               //parse the string 'number' and populate the m_digits;
          IntegerNumber operator+(const IntegerNumber & number);
               IntegerNumber result;
               //sum all the corresponding digits of number.m_digits and this->m_digits
               //and store in result.m_digits;
               return result;      



关于c++ - 在 C++ 中为家庭作业创建 IntegerNumber 类,以将大整数求和为超出长范围的字符串,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5772298/


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