c++ - 如何在父 RECT 中有效地执行图像剪辑?

标签 c++ visual-c++ directx clipping rect

我正在使用 C++ 中的 DIRECTX API 并设计一个 Sprite 界面,该界面在父 RECT 中进行裁剪,例如 UI 窗口或其他 Sprite 或您拥有的东西。

这是因为,稍后,我将为 UI 窗口制作一个滚动功能。



  • RECT:“裁剪”边界
  • D3DXIMAGE_INFO:包含图片的宽高等信息
  • Sprite 位置
  • 绘制 RECT:用于 LPD3DXSPRITE->Draw() 函数。基本上,应该绘制图像的哪一部分。这是完成“剪裁”的地方。



void ClippingCalculation(){
    RECT parent_bounds, draw_rect;
    D3DXVECTOR2 sprite_position; //Relative to parent rect
    D3DXIMAGE_INFO img_info;

    //Fill image info
    D3DXGetImageInfoFromFile("image.png", &img_info); //Image is 100x100px

    //Define the rects
    SetRect(&parent_bounds, 0, 0, 200, 200);
    SetRect(&draw_rect, 0, 0, img_info.Width, img_info.Height); //Draw the entire image by default

    //Give it a position that makes a portion go out of parent bounds
    sprite_position = D3DXVECTOR2(150, 150); // 3/4 of the entire image is out of bounds

    //Check if completely within bounds
    bool min_x = (sprite_position.x > parent_bounds.left),
         min_y = (sprite_position.y > parent_bounds.top),
         max_x = (sprite_position.x+img_info.Width < parent_bounds.right),
         max_y = (sprite_position.y+img_info.Height < parent_bounds.bottom);

    if(min_x && min_y && max_x && max_y) 
         return; //No clipping needs to be done

    float delta_top = parent_bounds.top - sprite_position.y,
          delta_left = parent_bounds.left - sprite_position.x,    
          delta_bottom = parent_bounds.bottom - sprite_position.y,
          delta_right = parent_bounds.right - sprite_position.x;

    //Check if completely outside bounds
    bool out_left = (delta_left >= img_info.Width),
         out_top = (delta_top >= img_info.Height),
         out_bottom = (delta_bottom >= img_info.Height),
         out_right = (delta_right >= img_info.Width);

    if(out_left || out_top || out_bottom || out_right){ 
         //No drawing needs to be done, it's not even visible
         return; //No clipping

    if(!min_x) draw_rect.left = delta_left;

    if(!min_x) draw_rect.top = delta_top;

    if(!max_x) draw_rect.right = delta_right;

    if(!max_y) draw_rect.bottom = delta_bottom;



  1. 您是否立即发现代码有任何错误?
  2. 它是高效还是低效?
    每次重新定位、加载 Sprite 或添加父级 Sprite 时都会进行剪裁。
  3. 数学扎实吗?我应该采用不同的方法吗?
  4. 能否以更好的方式完成,您能否提供示例?


剪辑 RECT 比这容易得多:

clipped_rect.left= MAX(rect_a.left, rect_b.left);
clipped_rect.right= MIN(rect_a.right, rect_b.right);
clipped_rect.top= MIN(rect_a.top, rect_b.top);
clipped_rect.bottom= MAX(rect_a.bottom, rect_b.bottom);

bool completely_clipped= 
    clipped_rect.left>=clipped_rect.right || 

这假设 Y 随着您的上升而增加。应该很容易找到特定于平台的 MINMAX 的高性能版本。

关于c++ - 如何在父 RECT 中有效地执行图像剪辑?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9552003/


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