c++ - 截止时间计时器到期,现在怎么办?

标签 c++ boost-asio

我正在查看 http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_44_0/doc/html/boost_asio/example/timeouts/async_tcp_client.cpp 中的 asio 示例


  1. 为什么 handle_read 会再次回调 start_read?
  2. 计时器到期时会发生什么?我看到没有提供给计时器的回调例程。

void start_read()
{ // Set a deadline for the read operation. deadline_.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(30));

// Start an asynchronous operation to read a newline-delimited message.
boost::asio::async_read_until(socket_, input_buffer_, '\n',
    boost::bind(&client::handle_read, this, _1));   


void handle_read(const boost::system::error_code& ec)
{ if (stopped_) return;

if (!ec)
  // Extract the newline-delimited message from the buffer.
  std::string line;
  std::istream is(&input_buffer_);
  std::getline(is, line);

  // Empty messages are heartbeats and so ignored.
  if (!line.empty())
    std::cout << "Received: " << line << "\n";

  std::cout << "Error on receive: " << ec.message() << "\n";




Why does handle_read call back start_read again?


What happens when the timer expires? I see no callback routine provided to the timer.


deadline_.async_wait(boost::bind(&client::check_deadline, this));

如果截止日期已过,check_deadline() 函数将关闭套接字。

关于c++ - 截止时间计时器到期,现在怎么办?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10401662/


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