c++ - 通过 C++ 解析 csv

标签 c++ parsing csv

晚上好,我遇到了以下问题。我正在像这样解析 csv 文件:



stringstream iss;
while(getline(file, string) {
iss << line;
     while(getline(iss, entry, ';') {
     /do something

但是我在最后一行 (;;) 中遇到了问题,我只读取了 2 个条目,我需要读取第三个空白条目。我该怎么做?


首先,我要指出代码中的一个问题,您的iss在读取第一行然后调用while(getline(iss, entry, '; ')),因此在阅读完每一行后,您需要重置 stringstream。它处于失败状态的原因是在调用 std:getline(iss, entry, ';')) 之后到达了文件末尾。


stringstream iss;
while(getline(file, line)) {
iss << line; // This line will fail if iss is in fail state
entry = ""; // Clear contents of entry
     while(getline(iss, entry, ';')) {
         // Do something
     if(entry == "") // If this is true, nothing was read into entry
         // Nothing was read into entry so do something
         // This doesn't handle other cases though, so you need to think
         // about the logic for that
     iss.clear(); // <-- Need to reset stream after each line

关于c++ - 通过 C++ 解析 csv,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15328316/


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