c++ - 无法在 C++ 中找到两个项目之间的差异

标签 c++ modulo cmath

让我先声明一下,我对 C++ 还是非常陌生,希望让事情尽可能简单。我的数学也很糟糕。


我的代码试图找出某人购买了多少包热狗威纳和多少包热狗面包。然后它会告诉用户他们可以从中制作多少热狗,以及他们将拥有多少剩余的 weiner 或面包。假设一包威纳有 12 个,一包小圆面包有 8 个,这就是我目前得出的结论:

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

void hotdog(int a, int b){      //a = weiner packages, b = bun packages
    int weiners = 12 * a;
    int buns = 8 * b;
    int total = (weiners + buns) - (weiners - buns);
    int leftOverWeiners = total % weiners;
    int leftOverBuns = total % buns;
    int totalHotDogs = total / 2;

    cout << "You can make " << totalHotDogs << " hotdogs!" << endl;

    if (leftOverWeiners > 0){
        cout << "You have " << leftOverWeiners << " weiners left over though." << endl;
    }else if (leftOverBuns > 0){
        cout << "You have " << leftOverBuns << " buns left over though." << endl;

int main(){
    int a;
    int b;

    cout << "Let's see how many hotdogs you can make!" << endl;
    cout << "How many weiner packages did you purchase?: ";
    cin >> a;
    cout << "How many bun packages did you purchase?: ";
    cin >> b;

    hotdog(a, b);

    return 0;

有了这个,如果包子和 weiners 的比例相同,或者如果 weiner 比包子多,我总能得到正确的答案。

由于我设置 total 和/或 leftOverBuns 的方式(第 9 行和第 11 行),我永远无法得到剩余面包数量的正确答案。我知道如果不能修改我当前的代码,那么必须有一种更简单的方法来执行此操作,但我很困惑。




if(weiners > buns)
  cout << "You can make " << buns << " hotdogs!" << endl;
  cout << "with " << weiners-buns << " weiners left over" << endl;
cout << "You can make " << weiners << " hotdogs!" << endl;
if(buns > weiners)
  cout << "with " << buns-weiners << " buns left over" << endl;

{buns, weiners} 中较小的是热狗的数量,if-then block 决定函数是否报告剩余的面包或 weiners。

关于c++ - 无法在 C++ 中找到两个项目之间的差异,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30960967/


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