c++ - 如何从 std::tm 转换为 Windows::Foundation::DateTime

标签 c++ windows-runtime

我正在尝试将 Windows 运行时组件中的 std::tm 转换为 Windows::Foundation::DateTime

Windows::Foundation::DateTime 中唯一的属性是 UniversalTime,它定义为:

A 64-bit signed integer represents a point in time as the number of 100-nanosecond interval prior to or after midnight on January 1, 1601 (according to Gregorian Calendar)

有没有办法在 std 中获取这个值?还是有一种标准的方法来进行转换?


您可以使用mktime 将您的时间转换为 unix, 然后添加魔数(Magic Number) 116444736000000000ULL:

    /* shift is difference between 1970-Jan-01 & 1601-Jan-01
    * in 100-nanosecond intervals */
    const uint64_t shift = 116444736000000000ULL; // (27111902 << 32) + 3577643008

来自 boost/date_time/filetime_functions.hpp

关于c++ - 如何从 std::tm 转换为 Windows::Foundation::DateTime,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33815816/


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