c++ - 检查迭代器

标签 c++ stl iterator

我正在尝试测试 Stroustrup 的 C++ 书中的“检查迭代器”示例。该代码有一个运行时错误:“列表迭代器不兼容”。

错误是由函数“if( c->end() == p )”的“valid()”触发的。这个错误是什么意思?我猜都是c->end()p应该是 list<int>::iterator 类型.

另外,我不明白为什么要这样实现“operator”。顺便说一句,我正在使用 VS2008。

struct out_of_bounds{
    out_of_bounds() {}

template<class Cont, class Iter = typename Cont::iterator>
class Checked_iter : public iterator_traits<Iter> // deriving from iterator_traits
    Iter curr;   // iterator for current position
    Cont* c;    // pointer to current container
    // ...

    void valid(Iter p){
        if ( c->end() == p )
        for (Iter pp = c->begin(); pp != c->end(); ++pp ){
            if ( pp == p )
        throw out_of_bounds();

    friend bool operator==(const Checked_iter& i, const Checked_iter& j){
        return i.c == j.c && i.curr == j.curr;

    // no default initializer
    // use default copy constructor and copy assignment
    Checked_iter(Cont x, Iter p) : c(&x), curr(p) { valid(p); }

    reference operator*(){
        if ( curr == c->end() ) throw out_of_bounds();
        return *curr;

    pointer operator->(){
        return &*curr; // checked by *

    Checked_iter operator+(difference_type d){ // for random-access iterator only
        if ( c->end() - curr <= d  )
            throw out_of_bounds();
        return Checked_iter(c, curr+d);

    reference operator[](difference_type d){ // for random-access iterator only
        if ( c->end() - curr <= d  ) throw out_of_bounds();
        return c[d]; 

    Checked_iter& operator++(){ // prefix ++
        if ( curr == c->end() ) throw out_of_bounds();
        return *this;

    Checked_iter& operator++(int) { // postfix ++
        Checked_iter temp = *this;
        ++*this; // checked by prefix ++
        return temp;

    Checked_iter& operator--() { // prefix --
        if ( curr == c->begin() ) throw out_of_bounds();
        return *this;

    Checked_iter& operator--(int) { // postfix --
        Checked_iter temp = *this;
        --*this;  // check by prefix
        return temp;

    difference_type index() { return curr-c.begin(); } // random-access only
    Iter unchecked(){ return curr; }

void f2(list<int>& ls){

    int count = 0;
        Checked_iter< list<int> > p(ls, ls.begin() );
            //cout << "element: " << *p << "   count: " << count << endl;
        cout << "overrun after " << count << " tries \n";


void test9(){
    int a[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
    list<int> l(a, a+sizeof(a)/sizeof(int));


Checked_iter 的构造函数应该采用 Cont&,而不是 Cont。您正在存储指向临时拷贝的指针。

关于c++ - 检查迭代器,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8176011/


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