c++ - TCHAR 数组的深拷贝被截断

标签 c++ arrays unicode deep-copy tchar

我创建了一个类来测试我需要使用的一些功能。本质上,该类将获取传入字符串的深层拷贝,并通过 getter 使其可用。我正在使用 Visual Studio 2012。在项目设置中启用了 Unicode。

问题是 memcpy 操作产生了截断的字符串。输出是这样的;

THISISATEST: InstanceDataConstructor: Testing testing 123
Testing te_READY

其中第一行是对传入的 TCHAR* 字符串的检查,第二行是使用 memcpy 操作填充分配的内存的输出。预期输出是; “测试测试123”。


注意从这里得到#ifndef UNICODE typedefs:how-to-convert-tchar-array-to-stdstring

#ifndef INSTANCE_DATA_H//if not defined already
#define INSTANCE_DATA_H//then define it

#include <string>

//TCHAR is just a typedef, that depending on your compilation configuration, either defaults to char or wchar.
//Standard Template Library supports both ASCII (with std::string) and wide character sets (with std::wstring).
//All you need to do is to typedef String as either std::string or std::wstring depending on your compilation configuration.
//To maintain flexibility you can use the following code:
#ifndef UNICODE  
  typedef std::string String; 
  typedef std::wstring String; 
//Now you may use String in your code and let the compiler handle the nasty parts. String will now have constructors that lets you convert TCHAR to std::string or std::wstring.

class InstanceData
    InstanceData(TCHAR* strIn) : strMessage(strIn)//constructor     
        //Check to passed in string
        String outMsg(L"THISISATEST: InstanceDataConstructor: ");//L for wide character string literal
        outMsg += strMessage;//concatenate message
        const wchar_t* finalMsg = outMsg.c_str();//prepare for outputting
        OutputDebugStringW(finalMsg);//print the message    

        //Prepare TCHAR dynamic array.  Deep copy.
        charArrayPtr = new TCHAR[strMessage.size() +1];
        charArrayPtr[strMessage.size()] = 0;//null terminate
        std::memcpy(charArrayPtr, strMessage.data(), strMessage.size());//copy characters from array pointed to by the passed in TCHAR*.

        OutputDebugStringW(charArrayPtr);//print the copied message to check    

            delete[] charArrayPtr;

TCHAR* getMessage() const
    return charArrayPtr;

    TCHAR* charArrayPtr;
    String strMessage;//is used to conveniently ascertain the length of the passed in underlying TCHAR array.
#endif//header guard



#include <tchar.h>
#include <vector>
class InstanceData
        InstanceData(TCHAR* strIn) : strMessage(strIn),
            charArrayPtr.insert(charArrayPtr.begin(), strMessage.begin(), strMessage.end())

        TCHAR* getMessage()
        { return &charArrayPtr[0]; }

        String strMessage;
        std::vector<TCHAR> charArrayPtr;


std::vector 类已经取代了几乎在所有情况下都必须执行的new[]/delete[]。原因是 vector 将其数据存储在连续的内存中,与调用 new[] 没有什么不同。

关于c++ - TCHAR 数组的深拷贝被截断,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26862466/


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