
标签 c++ templates c++11

我对 C++ 如何解释以下代码感到有点困惑:

template<class ... ReturnTypes, class ... ParameterTypes>
std::tuple<ReturnTypes...> Method(const ParameterTypes & ... Parameters)


std::tuple<unsigned int> R = Object.Method<unsigned int, unsigned int>(10);


error: conversion from 'std::tuple<unsigned int, unsigned int>' to non-scalar type 'std::tuple<unsigned int>' requested
  std::tuple<unsigned int> R = Object.Method<unsigned int, unsigned int>(10);




#include <tuple>

template <class... T> struct typelist { };

template <typename... ReturnTypes,
          template <typename...> class T,
          class ... ParameterTypes>
std::tuple<ReturnTypes...> Method(T<ReturnTypes...>,
                                  const ParameterTypes & ... Parameters)
    return std::tuple<ReturnTypes...>();

int main()
    using ReturnTypes = typelist<int, char>;
    auto t = Method(ReturnTypes{}, 10, "hello", false);

    static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(t), std::tuple<int,char>>{}, "types do not match");
    return 0;

live on ideone

关于具有多个包的c++模板,通过参数和返回值进行推导,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31905340/


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