c++ - 如何检测处理程序是否为 ASIO strand wrap 并通过 strand 调用它?

标签 c++ boost-asio


template< typename HandlerType >
void Register( HandlerType && handler )
    m_handler( std::forward< HandlerType >( handler ) );

并且该处理程序将通过 io_service 调用在未来的某个时刻:

void SomeEvent( )
    // compute someParameter

    m_IOService.post( std::bind( m_handler , someParameter ) );

Register()的调用者如何检测通过了用 strand 包裹的东西,如:

m_strand( m_IOService );

// ...

Register( m_strand.wrap( []( /*something*/ ){ /*...*/ } ) );



当我问这个问题时,我没有仔细阅读 io_service::strand::wrap docs 的麻烦,更具体地说:

(...) Given a function object with the signature:

R f(A1 a1, ... An an);

If this function object is passed to the wrap function like so:


then the return value is a function object with the signature

void g(A1 a1, ... An an);

that, when invoked, executes code equivalent to:

strand.dispatch(boost::bind(f, a1, ... an));

我所需要的就是这个——我可以声明m_handler作为适当的std::function<>并通过 io_service 简单地发布它在SomeEvent() .

我是看了@Arunmu 的回答后才意识到这一点的,所以我接受了。尽管如此,@Richard Hodges 的回答对 ASIO 的执行程序逻辑以及它在独立版本中的改进方式有一些好处。



   #include <iostream>
    #include <type_traits>
    #include <thread>
    #include <memory>
    #include <asio.hpp>

    template <typename Handler>
    class GenHandler
      GenHandler(Handler&& h): hndler_(std::forward<Handler>(h))

      template <typename... Args>
      void operator()(Args&&... args)
        std::cout << "GenHandler called" << std::endl;
      Handler hndler_;

    template<typename HandlerType>
    GenHandler<std::decay_t<HandlerType>> create_handler(HandlerType&& h)
      return {std::forward<HandlerType>(h)};

    template <typename Handler>
    void SomeEvent(asio::io_service& ios, Handler& h)
      ios.post([=] ()mutable { h(); });

    int main() {
      asio::io_service ios;
      asio::io_service::strand strand{ios};
      auto work = std::make_unique<asio::io_service::work>(ios);
      std::thread t([&]() { ios.run(); });

      // This creates a regular handler which when called by the 
      // io_context would first execute GenHandler::operator()
      // and inside of which it would call the lambda passed below.
      auto hndl = create_handler([] { 
                        std::cout << "Regular Handle" << std::endl; 
      SomeEvent(ios, hndl);

      ///-------- Example 2 ---------////

      // This creates a handler just like above, but instead wraps a
      // strand handler i.e when GenHandler::operator() gets called
      // it will execute the lambda passed to the wrap in the execution context
      // of the strand.
      auto hndl2 = create_handler(
                       strand.wrap([] { 
                          std::cout << "Strand handler-depth 2" << std::endl; 

      // This is a regular strand wrap which is passed to the 
      // io_service execution context. The lambda passed in the strand::wrap
      // would be excuted the execution context of the strand.
      auto str_handler = strand.wrap([=]() mutable { 
                            std::cout <<"strand\n"; 
      SomeEvent(ios, str_handler);

      return 0;


  1. io_service 被传递给 strand::wrapped_handler。因此,wrapped_handler 持有的处理程序在 strand 内部执行。
  2. hndl2GenHandler 持有另一个 strand::wrapped_handler 也在链内部调用。
  3. GenHandler::operator() 被调用时,它也会执行持有的 strand::wrapped_handler。这是通过将 strand::wrapped_handler 持有的内部处理程序分派(dispatch)给 strand 来完成的。

注意:由于我不清楚的原因,strand::wrap 已被弃用。作者希望人们改用 bind_executor

关于c++ - 如何检测处理程序是否为 ASIO strand wrap 并通过 strand 调用它?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41106393/



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