c++ - 快速排序错误 : stack around the variable was corrupted?

标签 c++ quicksort corruption


我收到一个运行时错误,提示“Stack around the variable 'quickArray' was corrupted

我试过调试器,但仍然无法弄清楚问题出在哪里。我认为这与我的 Partition() 函数有关,但我不确定。谁能帮忙?我在下面发布了 main()、QuickSort() 和 Partition() 函数。

int main()

int quickArray[10] = { 5 ,99, 32, 4, 1, 12, 15 , 8, 13, 55};
int P = quickArray[0];
int R =quickArray[9];

return 0;


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void QuickSort(int ar2[],int P, int R)
int Q;

if( P < R )
    Q =  Partition(ar2,P,R);


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int Partition(int ar2[],int P, int R)
int x = ar2[R];
int i = P-1;
int temp;

for(int j = P; j <= R-1; j++)
    if( ar2[j] < x  )
        i = i +1;
        temp = ar2[i];
        ar2[i] = ar2[j];
        ar2[j] = temp;

    temp = ar2[R];
    ar2[R] = ar2[i+1];
    ar2[i+1] = temp;

return (i+1);


您传递的是数组的实际元素而不是索引,调试它的一种快速方法是在 QuickSort 顶部添加一个 cout,如下所示:

void QuickSort(int ar2[],int P, int R)
   std::cout << "P: " << P << " R: " << R << std::endl ;

还有一个 coutPartition 调用之后:

  Q =  Partition(ar2,P,R);

  std::cout << "QS: Q= " << Q << std::endl ;

修复方法是从 main 调用 QuickSort,如下所示:



关于c++ - 快速排序错误 : stack around the variable was corrupted?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15456682/


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