c++ - 如何避免cpp给宏参数加空格

标签 c++ gcc macros

我公司有 1000 多个使用宏指定包含路径的源文件。我无法更改它,它适用于当前的编译器。现在,我尝试用 GCC(4.8.2 或 3.4.6)编译它,但它失败了。


#define COMP_INC(comp, file) <comp/include/file>


#include COMP_INC(posix, inttypes.h)

我的问题是 GCC 出于某种未知原因将我的宏调用转换为:

#include <posix/include/ inttypes.h>




删除 posixinttypes.h 之间的空格(逗号后)。问题消失了。


From the C99 standard:

A preprocessing directive of the form

# define identifier replacement-list new-line

defines an object-like macro that causes each subsequent instance of the macro name to be replaced by the replacement list of preprocessing tokens that constitute the remainder of the directive.

So macros work on tokens and the whitepace is to be expected.


根据这个answer ,您可以使用 traditional-cpp 标志来模仿不添加空格的旧行为。我不确定这将如何影响您的构建,但您可以尝试一下:

Only much older preprocessors didn't insert that extra space -- note that original entry was submitted over 20 years ago in 1988, before the 1989 version of the C standard was standardized. You can pass the -traditional-cpp flag to the GCC preprocessor, which causes it to imitate the behavior of old-fashioned C preprocessors, as opposed to ISO C preprocessors.

关于c++ - 如何避免cpp给宏参数加空格,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23245649/


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