c++ - 如果输出无关紧要,则不会调用函数

标签 c++ function optimization


#include <iostream> 

bool function(int a, int b, int &foo) {
    std::cout << "I have been called and I";
    if (a > b)// some magic that maybe changes 'foo'
        std::cout << " did change the variable" << std::endl;
        return true;//inform that i have changed the value
    std::cout << " did NOT change the variable" << std::endl;

    return false;

int main()
    bool changed = false;
    int bar = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        changed = changed || function(i,4,bar);
    std::cout << "Bar:" << bar;
    return 0;

我有一个函数,它对两个变量做了一些魔法,这取决于它可能会改变 foo 变量。无论是否更改,它都会返回 bool 值。

假设我把这个函数放在一个循环中。我调用了它 10 次,我想知道这些调用中是否有任何一个改变了变量。 所以我对上面代码的期望是:

I have been called and I did NOT change the variable
I have been called and I did NOT change the variable
I have been called and I did NOT change the variable
I have been called and I did NOT change the variable
I have been called and I did NOT change the variable
I have been called and I did change the variable// 'changed' is now true
I have been called and I did change the variable
I have been called and I did change the variable
I have been called and I did change the variable
I have been called and I did change the variable


I have been called and I did NOT change the variable
I have been called and I did NOT change the variable
I have been called and I did NOT change the variable
I have been called and I did NOT change the variable
I have been called and I did NOT change the variable
I have been called and I did change the variable// 'changed' is now true

在第五次调用中,变量发生了变化,这是正确的。但是剩下的四个电话甚至都没有发生。我明白了,因为第五次调用返回 true,那么无论其余调用返回什么,“已更改”变量将始终为 true。我不关心那个,我希望它保持“真实”,毕竟这是正确的。但我的观点是,剩下的四个调用可能已将“bar”变量更改为完全不同的值,我需要在循环后使用这个“正确更改”的值。



我用 VS 2015、标准 DEBUG 和 RELEASE 模式编译了这个,结果相同。



这是由于 short-circuit evaluation .


5.15 Logical OR operator
Unlike |, || guarantees left-to-right evaluation; moreover, the second operand is not evaluated if the first operand evaluates to true.


changed = function(i,4,bar) || changed;

关于c++ - 如果输出无关紧要,则不会调用函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34501397/


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