c++ - 无权访问模板模板参数

标签 c++ templates


template<template<class E>class Derived>
struct X
    static void f()

我遇到的问题是我无法编译此代码,因为我收到一条错误消息,指出参数 E 尚未声明。有没有办法让我可以使用或不使用这个形式参数?



template<class> // Derived<E> is only only parameter
struct X; // but you actually need two parameters, Derived and E

template< template <class> class Derived, class E >
struct X< Derived< E > > // so use partial specialization.
    static void f()
        Derived<E>::value; // only reason to want this is to
        Derived<int>::value; // use different specializations

当然,如果你不需要重新专攻Derived< something_else > , 忽略 Derived<E> 的事实是模板特化:

template<class Derived>
struct X
    static void f()

X< my_class< something > > my_x; // a specialized class template is a class

关于c++ - 无权访问模板模板参数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4293365/


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