
标签 c++ boost c++11

如果我有一个类,它的数据类型可能是intfloatdoublechar[] , std::string, std::vector ... 现在我正在使用一个 enum 来指示哪种类型data 是一个 void* 来为数据动态分配内存。但是,我确信必须有一种更优雅的方式。不使用boost如何实现?


实现“Variant”或“Any”类型,正如其他人指出的那样,您已经可以使用一些实现。但如果您不想使用 boost 或其他替代方案,您可以实现自己的简单版本。

您的类型需要 2 个结构,一个是您存储的基类,一个是保存实际对象的派生模板类。

让我们称它们为 Placeholder 和 Holder:


 * @brief The place holder structure..
struct PlaceHolder
   * @brief Finalizes and instance of the PlaceHolder class.
    virtual ~PlaceHolder() {}

     * @brief Gets the type of the underlying value.
    virtual const std::type_info& getType() const = 0;

     * @brief Clones the holder.
    virtual PlaceHolder * clone() const = 0;


template<typename ValueType>
struct Holder: public PlaceHolder

     * @brief Initializes a new instance of the Holder class.
     * @param ValueType The value to be holded.
    Holder(const ValueType & value) : held(value) {}

     * @brief Gets the type of the underlying value.
    virtual const std::type_info & getType() const
      return typeid(ValueType);

     * @brief Clones the holder.
    virtual PlaceHolder * clone() const
      return new Holder(held);

    ValueType held;


PlaceHolder* any = new Holder<int>(3);


int number = static_cast<Holder<int> *>(any)->held;

这不是很实用,所以我们创建一个类来为我们处理所有这些东西,并向其中添加一些商品,我们称之为 Any:

 * @brief This data type can be used to represent any other data type (for example, integer, floating-point,
 * single- and double-precision, user defined types, etc.).
 * While the use of not explicitly declared variants such as this is not recommended, they can be of use when the needed
 * data type can only be known at runtime, when the data type is expected to vary, or when optional parameters
 * and parameter arrays are desired.
class Any

     * @brief Initializes a new instance of the Any class.
    : m_content(0)

     * @brief Initializes a new instance of the Any class.
     * @param value The value to be holded.
    template<typename ValueType>
    Any(const ValueType & value)
    : m_content(new Holder<ValueType>(value))

     * @brief Initializes a new instance of the Any class.
     * @param other The Any object to copy.
    Any(const Any & other)
    : m_content(other.m_content ? other.m_content->clone() : 0)

     * @brief Finalizes and instance of the Any class.
    virtual ~Any()
      delete m_content;

     * @brief Exchange values of two objects.
     * @param rhs The Any object to be swapped with.
     * @return A reference to this.
    Any& swap(Any & rhs)
      std::swap(m_content, rhs.m_content);

      return *this;

     * @brief The assignment operator.
     * @param rhs The value to be assigned.
     * @return A reference to this.
    template<typename ValueType>
    Any& operator=(const ValueType & rhs)
      return *this;

     * @brief The assignment operator.
     * @param rhs The value to be assigned.
     * @return A reference to this.
    Any & operator=(const Any & rhs)

      return *this;

     * @brief The () operator.
     * @return The holded value.
    template<typename ValueType>
    ValueType operator()() const
      if (!m_content)
        //TODO: throw
      else if (getType() == typeid(ValueType))
        return static_cast<Any::Holder<ValueType> *>(m_content)->held;
        //TODO: throw

     * @brief Gets the underlying value.
     * @return The holded value.
    template<typename ValueType>
    ValueType get(void) const
      if (!m_content)
        //TODO: throw
      else if (getType() == typeid(ValueType))
        return static_cast<Any::Holder<ValueType> *>(m_content)->held;
        //TODO:  throw

     * @brief Tells whether the holder is empty or not.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the holder is empty; otherwise <tt>false</tt>.
    bool isEmpty() const;
      return !m_content;

     * @brief Gets the type of the underlying value.
    const std::type_info& getType() const;
      return m_content ? m_content->getType() : typeid(void);


     * @brief The place holder structure..
    struct PlaceHolder
       * @brief Finalizes and instance of the PlaceHolder class.
        virtual ~PlaceHolder() {}

         * @brief Gets the type of the underlying value.
        virtual const std::type_info& getType() const = 0;

         * @brief Clones the holder.
        virtual PlaceHolder * clone() const = 0;

    template<typename ValueType>
    struct Holder: public PlaceHolder

         * @brief Initializes a new instance of the Holder class.
         * @param ValueType The value to be holded.
        Holder(const ValueType & value) : held(value) {}

         * @brief Gets the type of the underlying value.
        virtual const std::type_info & getType() const
          return typeid(ValueType);

         * @brief Clones the holder.
        virtual PlaceHolder * clone() const
          return new Holder(held);

        ValueType held;


    PlaceHolder* m_content;

此实现基于 Ogre 中的任何一个


int main()
  Any three = 3;

  int number = three.get<int>();

  cout << number << "\n";

  three = string("Three");

  std::string word = three.get<string>();

  cout << word << "\n";

  return 0;



关于C++在成员变量中保存不同类型数据的优雅方式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18566066/


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