javascript - 在 Parse 中使用 javaScript 发送推送通知

标签 javascript android jquery-mobile parse-platform push-notification

实际上,我们已经完成了从移动设备向移动设备发送推送通知以及使用解析查询向移动设备解析的过程。现在我们正在尝试使用 Javascript 将推送通知从 Web 应用程序发送到移动设备。

 function authentication() {

  Parse.$ = jQuery;

  // Initialize Parse with your Parse application javascript keys
  Parse.initialize("app key",
                   "javascript key");

          //where: pushQuery,
          channels: [ "Demo","Done" ],
          data: {
          alert : "Hello word" 
    }}, { success: function() {
          // Push was successful 
          alert : "Push was successful"
        //  debugger;
          error: function(error) {

        }}).then (function(error) {
          //Marks this promise as fulfilled, 
          //firing any callbacks waiting on it.



请指导我们,我们是 javascript 的新手。 我们收到这样的错误

POST 400 (Bad Request)


您是否在 Parse 应用的推送通知设置中激活了启用客户端推送

However, if you decide to send notifications from the JavaScript SDK outside of Cloud Code or any of the other client SDKs, you will need to set Client Push Enabled in the Push Notifications settings of your Parse app.



However, be sure you understand that enabling Client Push can lead to a security vulnerability in your app, as outlined on our blog. We recommend that you enable Client Push for testing purposes only, and move your push notification logic into Cloud Code when your app is ready to go into production.

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