javascript - AngularJS 范围 $id 的值是如何设置的?似乎没有增量。

标签 javascript angularjs angularjs-scope

我正在尝试进一步研究 AngularJS 中的范围层次结构。最近,我一直在密切关注 scope.$id 编号——我注意到应用于范围的 $id 的值并不是以增量方式应用的。例如:

<html ng-app="app">
    <body ng-controller="appCtrl">
         <!-- ngInclude: 'notifications.tpl.html' -->
         <!-- ngInclude: 'otherTpl.tpl.html' -->
          <div ng-include="someView.tpl.html">

这棵树反射(reflect)了我的 DOM,其中 html 元素的范围 $id 为 1,body 有一个 $id 为 2,ng-include 的范围 $id 为 6,这似乎没有多大顺序意义。

这些 id 号码是如何确定的?这有关系吗?




function HashMap(array, isolatedUid) {
  if (isolatedUid) {
    /* Initialize uid to zero for the rootscope */
    var uid = 0;
    this.nextUid = function() {
      return ++uid;
    /* Increment the id */
  forEach(array, this.put, this);


        if (isolate) {
          child = new Scope();
          /* Increment when a directive which uses isolate scope is created */
          child.$root = this.$root;
        } else {
          // Only create a child scope class if somebody asks for one,
          // but cache it to allow the VM to optimize lookups.
          if (!this.$$ChildScope) {
            this.$$ChildScope = createChildScopeClass(this);
          /* Increment when a directive which uses child scope is created */
          child = new this.$$ChildScope();

If you find that your code is now throwing a $compile:multidir error, check that you do not have directives on the same element that are trying to request both an isolate and a non-isolate scope and fix your code.

If your code depends on this behavior (non-isolate directive needs to access state from within the isolate scope), change the isolate directive to use scope locals to pass these explicitly.

scope.$new() takes one argument - a boolean indicating if the newly-created child scope should be isolated (not prototypically inheriting from the current scope). Previously the first argument was reference to the controller constructor, but because of the scope/controller separation the controllers should be instantiated via the $controller service.


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