javascript - 如何遍历 JavaScript 对象以找到父对象

标签 javascript angularjs

有谁知道迭代复杂 javascript 对象以定位父节点的有效方法?我有一个对象被返回,我绑定(bind)到 ivhTreeview .我可以获得要绑定(bind)的对象,但是当我单击子项时,我需要派生父节点和祖父节点:

root Item/grandparent (Incident)
   - parent (IncidentStartDate)
       -child (2008)
       -child (2009)
       - and so on


        "label": "Document Type",
        "value": "_oCommon.DocumentType",
        "children": [
                "label": "Incident(4891)",
                "value": "Incident",
                "$$hashKey": "object:84",
                "__ivhTreeviewExpanded": true,
                "selected": true,
                "__ivhTreeviewIndeterminate": false,
                "children": [
                        "label": "Incident Date",
                        "value": "DateIncidentStart",
                        "children": [
                                "$$hashKey": "object:364",
                                "label": "2008(810)",
                                "value": "01/01/2008"
                                "$$hashKey": "object:365",
                                "label": "2009(810)",
                                "value": "01/01/2009"
                                "$$hashKey": "object:366",
                                "label": "2010(864)",
                                "value": "01/01/2010"
                                "$$hashKey": "object:367",
                                "label": "2011(780)",
                                "value": "01/01/2011"
                                "$$hashKey": "object:368",
                                "label": "2012(826)",
                                "value": "01/01/2012"
                                "$$hashKey": "object:369",
                                "label": "2013(801)",
                                "value": "01/01/2013"
        "$$hashKey": "object:70",
        "__ivhTreeviewExpanded": true,
        "selected": true,
        "__ivhTreeviewIndeterminate": false

我在这里试图完成的是递归爬行树,这样如果我单击 2008,我可以看到父元素是 DateIncidentStart,它是 DocumentType: Incident< 的子元素

我采用的方法是两个 for 循环,第一个循环在我的 Angular Controller 中迭代最外层的集合(是的,这应该进一步回到服务中,但我现在只是想立即完成这项工作)

function getAggregateId(selectedNode, parentTree) {
                vm.lastSelectedNode = selectedNode.value;
                vm.lastSelectedNodeId = selectedNode.objectId;
                vm.selectedNodeParent = parentTree;
                //itterate the tree
                for (var p = 0, tree = parentTree.length; p < tree; p++) {
                    //search each child object for the matching key
                    searchTheChildNode(p, parentTree, selectedNode);

对于参数,ivhTreeview 将返回所选节点和从中选择该节点的树,因此在下面的示例中我同时拥有这两个


"$$hashKey": "object:364",
"label": "2008(810)",
"value": "01/01/2008"


   "label": "Incident Date",
    "value": "DateIncidentStart",
    [0] Object
    [1] Object
    [2] Object
    [3] Object
    [4] Object
    [5] Object
    [6] Object

函数 searchTheChildNode 执行嵌套循环

function searchTheChildNode(index, parent, node) {
    for (var c = 0, child = parent[index].children.length; c < child; c++) {
       for (var nc = 0, items = parent[index].children[c]; nc < items; nc++) {
           if (parent[index].children[c].$$hashKey == node.$$hashKey) {
               console.log('found the parent ' + parent[index].children[c].value);


我被卡住的地方是我可以看到循环正在运行,但是当 $$hasKey 的条件设置为 true 时,日志甚至从未发生它只是滚动。我觉得语法上有问题,但我可以看到。





function findPath(p, o) {
    function f(o, a) {
        if (Array.isArray(o)) {
            return o.some(function (b, i) {
                if (b[p.key] === p.value) {
                    array = a.concat([i, b[p.key]]);
                    return true;
                return f(b.children, a.concat([i, b[p.key]]));
    var array;
    f(o, []);
    return array;

var obj = [{ "label": "Document Type", "value": "_oCommon.DocumentType", "children": [{ "label": "Incident(4891)", "value": "Incident", "$$hashKey": "object:84", "__ivhTreeviewExpanded": true, "selected": true, "__ivhTreeviewIndeterminate": false, "children": [{ "label": "Incident Date", "value": "DateIncidentStart", "children": [{ "$$hashKey": "object:364", "label": "2008(810)", "value": "01/01/2008" }, { "$$hashKey": "object:365", "label": "2009(810)", "value": "01/01/2009" }, { "$$hashKey": "object:366", "label": "2010(864)", "value": "01/01/2010" }, { "$$hashKey": "object:367", "label": "2011(780)", "value": "01/01/2011" }, { "$$hashKey": "object:368", "label": "2012(826)", "value": "01/01/2012" }, { "$$hashKey": "object:369", "label": "2013(801)", "value": "01/01/2013" }] }] }], "$$hashKey": "object:70", "__ivhTreeviewExpanded": true, "selected": true, "__ivhTreeviewIndeterminate": false }];

document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(findPath({ key: 'label', value: '2008(810)' }, obj), 0, 4) + '</pre>');        
document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(findPath({ key: '$$hashKey', value: 'object:368' }, obj), 0, 4) + '</pre>');

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