javascript - 运行 share/scripts/javascript 命令行宏

标签 javascript macros

我需要从命令行运行 javascript 宏。我的 .js 脚本位于



soffice.exe -headless "D:\test1.ODS" "macro://test1/Standard.Module1.Main"

如何识别脚本的模块名称? 我试过:

"macro://full path to .js file"



还有更多其他.. 我找不到解决方案。

抱歉我的英语不好。 你能帮助我吗?


最简单的方法是将其分配给“打开文档”事件。每当打开文档时,这将运行一个宏。为此,请转到 工具 -> 自定义 -> 事件。更多信息请访问:

如果您需要更大的灵 active ,您可以设置一个 Basic 函数来调用 Javascript 代码。然后使用 macro:// 语法。为此,首先将此基本功能添加到 Module1,改编自 authoritative Andrew Pitonyak document :

Sub CallMultiplyCSV
    Dim oDisp
    Dim sMacroURL As String
    Dim sMacroName As String
    Dim sMacroLocation As String
    Dim oFrame
    oDisp = createUnoService("")
    REM To figure out the URL, add a button and then set the button
    REM to call a macro.
    sMacroName = ""
    sMacroLocation = "?language=JavaScript&location=share"
    sMacroURL = sMacroName & sMacroLocation
    REM I want to call a macro contained in ThisComponent, so I
    REM must use the frame from the document containing the macro
    REM as the dispatch recipient.
    oFrame = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame
    oDisp.executeDispatch(oFrame, sMacroURL, "", 0, Array())
    'oDisp.executeDispatch(StarDesktop, sMacroURL, "", 0, Array())
End Sub


soffice.exe -headless "D:\test1.ODS" "macro://test1/Standard.Module1.CallMultiplyCSV"

有关 sMacroNamesMacroLocation 的详细信息,请参阅:

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