javascript - ADAL.js - "Nonce is not same as undefined"

标签 javascript azure single-page-application azure-active-directory adal

我目前在使用 ADAL.js (v1.0.7) 库时遇到问题。当我在一段相当长的时间后加载我的应用程序时,我收到登录错误,指出“Nonce 与未定义不同”。查看代码后,我想知道我是否缺少最佳实践。据我所知,我遵循了@vibronet here的建议。我应该刷新用户个人资料、注销还是其他什么?


        window.config = {
        instance: '',
        tenant: '',
        clientId: 'GUID',
        postLogoutRedirectUri: window.location.origin,
        cacheLocation: 'localStorage'

    this.authContext = new window.AuthenticationContext(window.config);
    var isCallback = this.authContext.isCallback(window.location.hash);

    if (isCallback && !this.authContext.getLoginError()) {
        window.location = this.authContext._getItem(this.authContext.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.LOGIN_REQUEST);

如果长时间处于不活动状态,则调用 this.authContext.login() 后会发生错误。为了获取错误,我调用 this.authContext.getLoginError()。






The trick is to go back to the authority asking for a token, like we’d do in the roundtrip apps scenario, but doing so in a hidden iframe. If there is still an existing session with the authority (which might be represented by a cookie – but it is a cookie in the domain of the authority, NOT the app’s) we will be able to get a new token without any UX. There is even a specific parameter, prompt=none, which lets Azure AD know that we want to get the token without a UX, and if it can’t be done we want to get an error back. Here there’s the request.


我没有完全遵循您的代码的作用。但从博客文章来看,似乎在下面您正在使用 OAuth 2.0

当您说一段时间不活动时会发生错误时,我的猜测是 token 已无效,您需要刷新 token 。不知道有没有办法让你刷新一下。但通常在服务器端,一旦您进行了身份验证,OAuth 2.0 提供程序将向您提供一个 token 和一个刷新 token ,如果 token 过期,您可以使用刷新 token 来获取新 token 。

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