javascript - Ajax 不为数据表调用 php 页面

标签 javascript php jquery ajax datatables

我正在一起测试 php 和数据表。我首先设计了一个简单的表格作为

<table id="activeDriverGrid"  name='activeDriverGrid'  class="table table-striped table-bordered bootstrap-datatable datatable ">
                                  <th>Driver Name</th>



<script src='js/jquery.dataTables.min.js'></script>


<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" >
            $(document).ready(function() {
            "bDestroy": true

                var dataTable = $('#activeDriverGrid').DataTable( {
                    "processing": true,
                    "serverSide": true,
                        url :"getData.php", // json datasource
                        type: "post",  // method  , by default get
                        success: function (data) {
                        error: function(){  // error handling
                            $("#activeDriverGrid-grid").append('<tbody class="employee-grid-error"><tr><th colspan="3">No data found in the server</th></tr></tbody>');

                        "bDestroy": true
                } );
            } );

这是我的 getData.php 脚本

try {

        $requestData= $_REQUEST;

        $columns = array( 
        // datatable column index  => database column name
            0 =>'driverID', 
            1 => 'driverName',
            2=> 'driverContactNumber'


         $nestedData[] = "Allan";
         $nestedData[] = "2214141";

         $data[] = $nestedData;

    $totalFiltered = $totalData;
        $json_data = array(
            "draw"            => intval( $requestData['draw'] ),   // for every request/draw by clientside , they send a number as a parameter, when they recieve a response/data they first check the draw number, so we are sending same number in draw. 
            "recordsTotal"    => intval( $totalData ),  // total number of records
            "recordsFiltered" => intval( $totalFiltered ), // total number of records after searching, if there is no searching then totalFiltered = totalData
            "data"            => $data   // total data array

    echo json_encode($json_data);  // send data as json format

catch(PDOException $pe)
        die("Error In Get Active Drivers :" . $pe->getMessage());

我手动调用了这个页面,结果是 {"draw":0,"recordsTotal":1,"recordsFiltered":1,"data":[["Allan","2214141"]]} 因此确认其工作。我已经在 google chrome 中运行了分析工具,我在网络中没有看到正在调用 getData.php,但是弹出调用出现了。



  <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" >
            $(document).ready(function() {
            "bDestroy": true

                var dataTable = $('#activeDriverGrid').DataTable( {
                    "processing": true,
                    "serverSide": true,
                        url :"getData.php", // json datasource
                        type: "post",  // method  , by default get
                        success: function (data) {
                        error: function(){  // error handling
                            $("#activeDriverGrid-grid").append('<tbody class="employee-grid-error"><tr><th colspan="3">No data found in the server</th></tr></tbody>');

                        "bDestroy": true
                } );


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