javascript - Telegram - Node 。 JS处理多次更新

标签 javascript node.js telegram telegram-bot

我正在 telegram 上创建游戏,目前我遇到了同时处理多个更新的问题。我正在使用 Node.js


var TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api'),    
  bot = new TelegramBot("MY_TOKEN", {polling: true});

bot.onText(/^\/createroom/, function (res, match) {

//Here i have some logic, to check whether if the room already created or not
service.checkIfRoomExist(res) // this service here, will always return false, because of the simultaneously chat
.then (function(isExist) {
 if (isExist === false) {
  .then (function() {


//it works fine, if player type "/createroom" not simultaneously

//but if more than 1 player type "/createroom" simultaneously, my logic here doesn't work, it will create multiple room





您需要将唯一的聊天/用户 ID 链接到您的数据库以防止此类冲突。请参阅下面的代码以及有关如何执行此操作的注释。

var TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api'),
    bot = new TelegramBot("MY_TOKEN", {
        polling: true

bot.onText(/^\/createroom/, function (res, match) {
    //use for groups and for individuals
    service.checkIfRoomExist( (isExist) {
        if (isExist === false) {
            service.createRoom( () {
                bot.sendMessage(, 'Initializing game!')
                    // send game content here
        bot.sendMessage(, 'A game has already started in this group!')

function checkIfRoomExist(id) {
    // Your logic here that checks in database if game has been created

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